GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

I can't believe I'm saying this but i actually like jooin here. He was always indecisive af but he knew what Cain needed. Cain needed to live this life as Cain and not a dog he was in the past life. Thanks to jooin, Cain has overcome the past he thought his entire identity was about. Good job jooin. And good for jooin too. Often times we see the MCs identity just being about who they end up with etc etc but jooin has emerged as someone who didn't tie his identity to any of the potential partners. Good for him and good for Cain and as much as I don't like yahwi I wish him well too. He behaved bad, day after day as a result of his trauma but that doesn't excuse his actions yet I hope he gets therapy and gets better. These last few chapters showed Jooin's growth way more than the entire story did and honestly I'm happy for him

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

Just FYI there is a endgame, it's confirm by the writer. So looking at both closures I think Cain is still endgame because how different the closures are. Jooin left yahwi because of how badly he treated Jooin. While with Cain, Cain is the one that actually walked away, not necessarily Jooin but the reason Jooin wanted closures wasn't because Cain is bad but because Cain was stuck in the past and Jooin didn't like that, he wanted Cain to live in the present and not give his life up just for love especially if it's based in the past (which it no longer is but Jooin doesn't know that).

I'm honestly so excited to see what happens next. Because despite Cain and Jooin going separate way THEY HAD THEIR FIRST SNOW!! in Korea a first snow means two people will be together forever in a romantic aspect and it also means a new beginning, as their closure was more about the past.

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

Idk what to grasp here. The fact that majority of "readers" can't comprehend the 'complexity' of the story, despite it being very BASIC or those who complain about toxicity yet are the ones who are wishing death on a MC who's conflicted with his own emotions, as most humans are. You all hate him, yet I see yall defend a rapist and a character with abusive tendencies. Yall wish his freedom but not Jooin?
Also don't know how Jooin is the bad guy here when he's giving Cain a reality check he needed. Cain needs to stop being in the past and live for himself in the present. Don't give up everything because you're in love. This why Jooin wanted to met Cain, not to break his heart.

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

As much as i too think this was dragged to hell and back, they're FINALLY having a healthy and proper communication. They're expressing what they need to say to each other. Even with the yawhi convo (which i believe is Jooin completely cutting things off with yawhi) Jooin's finally communicating what he needs to say in order to get where he neds to be as a person.

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

I actually agreed 100% with Jooin. I get why he wanted to see Cain again, and everything that he said was absolutely right. He does feel something for Cain but they aren't on the same level. Cain loves him deeply and Jooin can't feel the same. It really would be a toxic relationship if only one side is truly devoted. I still wanted they together but only if Jooin could love Cain the same way that he loves him. I just hope that at this point Jooin doesn't end up with Yahwi either

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Yall realize that these characters are just really realistic right? People saying join is annoying, can’t make a decision, but that’s how any person would react in that situation. It started of smutty yeah but the plot is good it’s just more emotional now. The author is definitely thinking about a good ending that will give everyone what they need. It’s a great story tbh

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Jeez, Jooin not falling in love with Cain is the most crazy unrealistic thing. Literally the perfect man.

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

I was today years old when I found out that people really think Jooin committed infidelity... How when he was never in an actual relationship.

people are so funny. they read love triangles and then go around sl*tshaming the bottom whenever he's with one guy after being with the other. if you don't have the capacity to understand how love triangles are supposed to work, then it's better not to read them. jooin did nothing wrong, people are just bitter


GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

I never thought I'd post a comment under this because a lot of comments are also very negative. So many webtoons follow the exact same beats especially when it comes to love triangles. Weak willed MC is in love with toxic ML who just uses him. A second ML comes along who's nicer it seems like he is the obvious choice but MC will end up choosing 1st ML after he admits his faults. That's what I was expecting, it seemed to be following that destined track.

But no, every character made mistakes because they are young idiots who can’t communicate. And now they are addressing it. Jooin realizes that Yahwi took extreme advantage of him and needs to let me him go to heal from the trauma. Jooin also realizes he took advantage of Cain’s feelings while in a low place, but didn’t accept that he didn’t get a proper send off. Clear communication is something you don’t get to see in webtoons, and I think its addressed so well in here. I don’t think the story is dragging on, it’s something us something we haven’t seen before. As far as the conclusion…. There might be time skip and maybe after that there can be some reconciliation, I wouldn’t mind that because hey that literally actually happened after some breakups. But I’d be ok with an opened ended future for Jooin, I think a lot of people won’t like it though

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Jooin ends up alone team! BTS did tell you to love yourself before anything else

GODZILLA created a topic of Backlight

This pretty ass demon made Yeongwoon met him after an orgy. Like bruh clean up the table at least

GODZILLA created a topic of A Terrible Romance

Woojin really needs time to himself, learn ots okay be alone and not be so dependable on others but nothing is worse than him realizing he fucked up and betrayed Taewan, yet continued to do the betrayal right after realizing. He's still at fault, not just Minho.

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Why are ppl suddenly hating cain for giving jooin actual kind words/ being "poetic" when even in the earlier chapters, jooin and cain has always been poetic w eachother? Jooin even compared cain to a spring rain. Why are you all mad that jooin is getting kind words from cain instead of being verbally abused by yahwi

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Yahwi crying so hard lmaooooo guess what? Trauma is not a license to make someone miserable. Jooin leaving Yahwi is the best thing he did and him realizing that Cain had always treated him right is the redemption of this story. That's realistic so suck it up. LOL

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

That was beautifully written. I love how Cain and Jooin are actual soulmates, they're so perfect for each other. Also Cain is literally so sweet omg

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

people saying that he's choosing the 'dog' but forgetting that Cain's a human in the present like bro he just have the memory of their past. Also, Him ending things with Yahwi is a good step than giving Yahwi a chance to be with him just because he changed.

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Pretty realistic in a sense. Removing the supernatural side of it, the emotions, the back and forth, the drama is very realistic. How Jooin handled it was also pretty normal for someone going through a first love with low self-esteem who doesn't know what they want out of a relationship. Yawhi, too. He has to come to terms with himself in a lot of ways and sometimes the only way to do that is to lose something precious to you to realize that youneed to mature emotionally before you can even try to be with someone else.
I've been more "team everyone needs to spend some serious time learning about themselves" throughout this whole debacle. I still think Jooin needs to do some soul searching. It's great that he realizes that he's been so fickle and why, and that he finally realizes what he wants out of a relationship, what he's willing and not willing to compromise with. But now he needs to spend time getting comfortable with that information, learning to love himself and growing that backbone everyone needs to be happy. Cain, too, I think will benefit from some time away from Jooin to learn to be happy on his own and less emotionally dependent on Jooin, because that is not healthy.
I'm a little shocked this didn't take a darker turn, like most manhwa, but I'm glad it's more of a reality check than a drama check. It hits home more that way, I think.
I'm still not a huge fan of Cain, and I seriously think Jooin and Yahwi could work after a few years of growing up away from each other, but obviously Cain is the end here. Maybe it's the way this whole thing was written, but I still feel like Cain's backstory and the whole supernatural aspect doesn't fit with the rest of the story. It seems like the author had Cain's character for a separate story altogether but used it here when people started to hate Yahwi so much. Do I dislike Cain? Not at all. I just don't think his character plot fits everything else this story had going on. It's a major disconnect. And the way this whole thing was written does not make Cain seem like a main character or contender here. He always seemed like an afterthought, the underdog (no pun intended) that everyone dismisses, and the character brought in to stir things up only to fade away at some point. A side character, basically. While every character deserves a happy ending with their MC, I certainly don't feel like Cain's character earned it in a writing sense. (Not that he as a person doesn't, but just from an objective sense as a writer his character doesn't meet the criteria of the main focus end-all guy.) It's probably just the way this was set up, the way it was focused and the overall feel of the manwha. Cain just doesn't make sense in this story. Still like him. Hope he gets his happy end, but I wish his character had been used in a separate story completely outside of this universe.

GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

After that, Jooin trains hard in the gym and becomes a hot packed hunk who then goes to the bar every night topping every twink he sets his eyes on....

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

Wait I'm just realizing. Did most of yall not notice that the leash on the logo is now on the ground for this chapter, after Cain said Jooin is no longer his master. The title was always about Jooin and Cain. And this time it is Jooin to go pick up that leash and claim Cain (possibly). Literally the reincarnation theme is the base of the story.

GODZILLA created a topic of Yours to Claim

I feel like many aren't getting what Jooin trying to do. Yes, Jooin is looking for Cain for a closure. If there's gonna be ending he want to end things with a conclusion. He doesn't want things to untold. He's doing this for both of them so they won't be stuck in the past. Also, this doesn't necessarily mean it's the final ending between him and Cain but rather closure to their past and where they enter a new beginning in their present.