GODZILLA like topic of Monday'saviour

Hey guys small infos

You know there is this new spin off about the older brothers of our seme
I just read it btw
And now i re read ch. 12 here. Omg now the dots are connected, why he had all those bear t shirts lol. And the older brother wearing bear socks lol. Anyway i also re read seme s past and wow now it all makes sense.
Also i m so fucking glad the older brother really tried to take seme with him too, and not only the little blondie. It was sweet. And i am glad they care for each other. Seme here is just tsundere (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

Also in ch. 12 appears this red haired guy. Omg i think he is the same guy that appears at the end of mondays saviour season 1... The bully or ex friend of our yooil. I think they are the same person