I actually was really anticipating the authors' notes because I needed to know what was going on in their minds while creating this poorly executed love triangle. And then I read that Cain was the first character to be created and that the concept was born out of his own bg (a pet being reincarnated). And then what do they do? Create a love triangle (with 2 characters that are not on par with Cain at all, I'm sorry Jooin and Yawhi stans), set everything in a present day that doesn't relate to the concept of reincarnation (except from Cain of course) and just use Cain as a device to get the other two to be endgame. And on top of that???? We are told that Cain's whole existence is just in relation of Jooin's existence (like, Cain learned to love himself but he is still not his own person) and that the authors are not likely to show us A FULL ASS BG/SIDE STORY about Cain (and his brothers). Ah and yes also Cain is not allowed to have another love story.
Like, authors, you can use a lot of deep and meaningful concept and just sing praises to all of your ideas and characters, but the execution WAS NOT IT. Just no.
Cain literally deserves his own story. We DO NOT need more side stories about Jooin and Yawhi, who from the very beginning should have had their own story SEPARATED from Cain's story.
They are literally two whole different plots put together just because "love triangles sell". Yes, when they make sense and are well executed. But not like this.
I appreciated reading the process behind this story. I hope the authors are happy with themselves and are resting now. But I will cut my fingers off before reading another one of their stories. Unless it is about giving justice to Cain. That I will read. And it is funny because I was not and I am not a Cain stan lol I didn't even wanted him to end up with Jooin in the end. Like, characters like Cain are not really my favorites in general, but in this webtoon he is the best written character...but he is just a plot device. I am so disappointed but also resigned because I shouldn't have expected anything better after reading the authors' very first webtoon (the one before Yours to Claim, which too had bonker plot).
See yall somewhere else (maybe complaining together on Jinx).