GODZILLA like topic of Yours to Claim

Because ain't NONE of these mfs clean when you look at them through "real world" lenses, and I hope y'all realize that.

Jooin: irl the guy would be considered a master gaslighter. He constantly gaslit himself into believing the worst about Yahwi, and occasionally Cain too, not giving them a chance to explain or talk it out before lashing out at them over his own assumptions. On multiple occasions he even tried to gaslight Cain and Yahwi to their faces, telling THEM how THEY feel. Something he never really apologizes for. At some point I think the author tried to turn him into an "inspirational" assertive bossbabe, but irl his behavior towards people would just be considered paranoid, cold, cruel and b!tchy. Also deep down he knew he was in love with Yahwi all along, he couldn't stop thinking about his feelings for him 24/7, but he still strung Cain along for a while.

Yahwi: it might be a fetish trope in smutty yaois, but irl a lot of his seggsy times with Jooin would be considered coerced at best and forced at worst. Yes, he also drank the night of their first time, but after seeing how drunk Jooin was moments ago, he should've known he was not in the right condition to consent. Also he definitely used force that time at the school trip. He is also insanely emotionally constipated and has abandonment issues, which makes him lash out and turn mean whenever he fears rejection. Also has/had a tendency to be very selfish and disregard other's wishes and feelings.

Cain: irl him making a move on Jooin when he was heartbroken and at his most vulnerable, and honestly not in the right headspace to consent, would be considered exploitation. Not to mention all the seggsual harassment he did to him without Jooin's knowledge, e.g. when he was asleep. Mostly had good intentions, but at times showed selfish and controlling behavior when he resorted to manipulation and lies to get either what he wanted (e.g. living with Jooin), or what he thought was best for Jooin (which really isn't decision to make). Also he was a stalker at first.