Other men fighting over her while Nadrika out here eating her pussy every morning.....he really won
2021-07-08 01:10 marked
The way I read it, Young Jo is far from pushing Seung Gyu away. In fact, she's trying to pull him in, in the least threatening way possible. Let me list my reasons.
1. Young Jo had no option but to stop going to the hospital because Seung Gyu meant it when he said he'd leave if she kept visiting. We have seen from his previous actions that he has low self-esteem and is quite capable of extreme self-sacrifice.
2. She mentioned how nobody believed that he talked that night because he was unconscious for a long time after that, which means she was keeping track. Also, she said that when he was released, she went to the hospital to find out where he went. From the context, we can guess that he didn't leave a forwarding address.
3. The first thing she says when she goes into the restaurant and sees Seung Gyu is "Found you", which means she's been looking for him ever since he got released from the hospital (about 3 years) and didn't know where he was.
4. Yes, she dated another guy for a year. As she put it, he was kind and she was going through a lot of shit - trauma from rape for which she was seeing a psychiatrist, pursuing a rape case against Min that she eventually lost because the court decided that they were dating and she went to the motel with him voluntarily, hostile work environment where people sneer, talk behind her back and spread rumors, not having anyone to talk to except her father who is in bad health (after she broke her friendship with Lumina). So yeah, she took what support was offered to her and tried to move on but as she said, it ended just like that, because she couldn't.
5. Now, coming to her declaration to Seung Gyu that their relationship is over, I think it's because now that she finally found him and he is willing to sit across from her and talk to her, she doesn't want him to run away. The reason that Seung Gyu wanted them to break up was because his injuries would make it impossible for him to live a normal life and he doesn't want to drag Young Jo into such a life. Hearing him explain them now, that is still true. So, to slowly get closer to him without threatening him, she makes an offer that is not too attractive. She is asking him to go back to the same role that he had prior to his accident after almost 5 years, but she's doing her best to make it sound as bad as possible and something no one else would likely take up.
6. When he laughs and says she is a bad boss, you see the shining light and flowers around him. I think that's how Young Jo actually sees him. Also, the last panel show how delighted she is when he shows up in the office.
Based on all this, I think she is basically luring him slowly back in and that she has absolutely no intention of giving up on him.
2021-07-17 06:06 marked
here's an honest opinion from my side. I just feel this body switch isnt doing much to mend their relationship that is between the two female lead. Also sorry but if i was that Robin dude and found out the Noona i like wasnt her but some fan obsessed with me. I'd hella freak out. No its not about her being chubby or stuffs. Its the whole persona and Robin have always liked the Original noonas persona and temperament. Tsk its just a comic but it do be frustrating
2021-09-20 07:24 marked
Both parties were victims to a certain extent in this story, it's not a contest about who suffered more and who didn't. The communication was lacking, ahjussi seems to have a hard time expressing himself and his honest emotions, he likes to sugarcoat his words and if i put it into one word he's a sweet talker. Yo il on the other hand is very honest with his emotions, he likes to showcase his love very openly and doesn't understand what the consequences it might have, and he was insensitive towards ahjussi at the end bc he completely got wrapped up un his own emotions and refused to hear ahjussi's reasoning which I can't blame him for rlly. Even when they were together you can't deny that ahjussi saw beom in yo il, altho he tried to deny it. Overall I don't think it would've worked out either way because the age gap was way too huge, they walked different paths in life and the older one has more sour experiences while the younger one was cherished and loved all his life, they'd had a hard time understanding each other's point and eventually fall out
2021-09-30 18:08 marked
Well Hee Bum might not be gay but I think he really liked Yoo Won or probably Yoo Won was there in the right place at the right time? But I think he’ll definitely stick with Yoo Won if Yoo Won did not let go of him. He might consider the sex as well eventually. These are all the maybes and what happens was YW let go of him and on those days that he was let go he met someone else that cherished him more than YW. Irl some stays in a toxic relationship coz they love their partners blindly and some have the courage to leave and love themselves more.

I really love this story. Yoo Won is a perfect guy (tho he’s poor), probably its the reason while all his rich classmates and gathering around him (tho I still don’t get why they can’t leave him alone. Maybe coz he’s too perfect that there’s a curiosity of what will be his weakness? Idk)

My favourite character here is Jumi. She’s living a simple life until she met YW and HB. She fell in love but she didn’t force her own feelings (tho its too selfless for my taste lol) and even still cheer for the two. I love her as a character but I don’t think I can pull what she did in real life. If I was in her shoes I’ll gonna avoid getting hurt and avoid the people that will cause me of getting hurt.

I recommend reading this story hopefully they continue translating this until the last chapter. I read that a lot dropped this because its not BL but don’t be discouraged. The story is great as well as the characters development. Its worth a try.
2021-11-15 23:46 marked
Dear Joseph stans, we have lost. I have read half of the novel but didn't reach the last volume but on twt someone brought up the last volume. There are scenes with Erez, in the novel they're not romantic at all but I definitely can see it being made as romantic in the manhwa. And Joseph does not show up in the last volume, this is a big hint telling us our sweet Joseph is not the ML

But what makes me angry is the writing of his character. Seeing the process of the novel and its premise. Why the fuck was Joseph written to be in love with Keira IN BOTH LIFES in the manhwa then later to dwindle his appearance after using him up in S1.
Why make him ONLY as a potential love interest instead of actually giving him a importance to the story. Honestly speaking if they were just gonna do that then they should've just left him as a simple knight who never had feelings for his lady like in the novel. Because making him love her for two damn life's only to throw him out later? That's a waste of a character and sick of this troupe always being used, especially for knights.
Should've just introduced the ML right off the bat so we can have FL x ML moments instead of the tension of the fandom guessing who endgame is. I'm sick of the constant fights and others saying horrible things about both Joseph and Erez due to this silly romance rivalry.

Anyway, I needed to let this out but I'm open to hear what yall and even Erez stans think of this.

So Joseph stans let's not dwell on it further or start fights. Either stop reading where we are at now or continue it without minding the romance tension. I'm still continue it since I do like the story and curious about Cosette and their battle. Though I'm upset with Joseph writing process, there isn't much to do since it is already too late. I hate that I realize this when I'm already deep I to the manhwa.
2023-08-29 18:06 marked
Agreeing with users who actually understand Keira instead of only considering a male character feelings. Keira concept of a demon was only Cosette but to know there's another demon it took her aback, esp when the prior conversation was discussing the evil shit about Cosette, a demon. How can there be more than 2 and one is someone she trusted, was he using and manipulating her to his advantage?? All things racing in her mind must've of been scary.

All sense of security she has been building up has been completely destroyed. But the majority of mangago users don't understand that. Call Keria all the names you want what she reacted the correct way a person with trauma would have reacted.

Edit: I do want to say that yes, her reaction was harash but she was hurting BOTH OF THEM WERE HURTING. BOTH OF THEIR FEELINGS ARE VALID as someone said let's not prioritize one feelings over the other
2023-08-29 18:06 marked
After that, Jooin trains hard in the gym and becomes a hot packed hunk who then goes to the bar every night topping every twink he sets his eyes on....
2024-01-06 05:24 marked
With this last chapter, it's really difficult to predict what's happening next...
So Jooin chose to let both of them go, which is pretty understandable for me at least.
With Yahwi it's clear that they both loved each other but Jooin got so much hurt in that relationship that he can't be with Yahwi no more. Or at least not now. Maybe they will meet in the future and fall in love again, in a healthy way. But for that to happen, they really need a long Time skip, like them meeting as 30 year olds or something. But it's as if it's going to be a completely different story. Don't know how they Can pull that.
As for Cain, it's more ambiguous in the sense that we're not sure of what Jooin feels for him. Jooin himself seems to be still confused about those feelings..we know that he's precious to him, that he finds him attractive. But does he love him? He says that treasuring is not loving but at the same time we see him in other chapters blushing with his Heart beating when Cain is close to him. Him saying that his feelings for Cain came drip by drip, and also him sleeping at his mom's place to not be alone when Cain left.
To me it seems that he chose to let Cain go because of two reasons. First because he doesn't want him to abandon everything(family, Friends, studies).
Jooin cares a lot for Cain and he certainly doesn't want to ruin cain's life. And secondly, because Jooin doesn't want to be Cain's master, that is not the kind of relationship he wants. Even in their last conversation, Cain still talks about Jooin as if he was the same person of the past life. With Cain's letter, Jooin maybe came to realize that Cain has this much love not for him but for his past life master and that makes their relationship vague and based on something that Jooin is not aware of. That makes Jooin doubt his own feelings too because he doesn't know much about the real Cain of this World. So there are for sure some unresolved issues between these. I think they will surely meet again in the future.
2024-01-17 18:59 marked
2024-01-26 04:26 marked
I can't believe Cain was the only one with complete character development. And before you say Jooin and Yawhi had development, no, they didn't, they more or less back tracked to who they were before. A timeskip does not count as development lol.

Of course this depends on how the story unfolds but Cain is the only one so far that decided to "let go" of the past he's been holding onto to finally be his own person. This is still staying true unless the author decides to fuck up.

For Jooin, his development has reached below 50 ft of crap after chapter 100. For a guy that was talking about moving on from both guys and trying to look out for himself for almost 20 chapters straight, he caved pretty easily in a single chapter without a shred of development or build up to end up with Yawhi. He tells both guys to move on after hurting him in different ways but the moment he sees his ex, he bends over.

As for Yawhi, all I see is him using how pitiful he is as a manipulation tactic. Sure, he regrets his actions but he's at the point where he can't live without Jooin. He literally begs him (again like in the past) instead of trying to build trust and making up for the things he did to him before. Instead, he chooses to rush into a relationship with him.

*sighs* the open ending was at least decent and kept everyones character in tact.
2024-01-26 04:42 marked
I don't really write "reviews" or my long thoughts on pirate sites like this. Ultimately, it doesn't matter. Since I'm reading illegally. But I just have to write a little something. I don't think this ending was earned. I think the author had too many ideas and themes in their head. While also slightly chasing trends within Korean BL. Jooin and Yahwi's could have been it's own thing. Jooin and Cain could have been it's own thing. But them both together jumbled both. It seems the author wanted to make more mature "adult" love triangle. But with conflict themes and dynamics it all got lost in the sauce. I've read a few other media that have the MC break away from their love interests in order to self actualize. But this one lacked the proper vibe, maturity, and nuances to make it come together. I don't hate this story as some seem to do. But I do think it got too lost in its own self to be great.
2024-01-29 22:11 marked
Two authors and this is the best they could do
2024-02-03 05:50 marked
This BS about Yahwi changing and not doing things that just suit his feelings. Miss. Me. With. That. Sh!t. He literally shows back up in Jooin's life because *he* needs it, and since showing back up, he's been doing everything he can to immediately get in the dude's pants.

You sure you missed the whole human, or maybe you just missed his @ss?! The dude asks for permission, like he cares, but just keeps on without getting it. Like seriously, Jooin has zero self-respect getting back with this guy instead of someone who treats him like he's worth more than what he can give the other person.

Gonna chalk this up to just another toxic yaoi couple, I guess. And just when I finally thought Jooin had finally grown the flip up. (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
2024-02-03 05:50 marked
I'm not in either of teams, because entire story was shitshow and authors couldn't figure the plot out. But it's called Yourst to claim, Cain wrote that on the ring blah blah and that stupid spineless worm again ended up with Yahwi. Ik Yahwi was ML and everything, he's 'trying' to change etc. But he got to Jooin's home by doing the same thing as ever, being playful and not accepting no for an answer and ofc Jooin being spineless accepted him.

All 3 of them should have been with someone else. Even in Cain's case, he loved some history image, not what's in front of him. It was dependance love, not true love because he never had time to meet snd understand our stupid MC enough in present. He was driven by the past.
We just have to accept that it's not about the characters but about the authors who can't write the story in good way
2024-02-03 07:20 marked
I started off disliking a lot of Subin's trait but now, I just find it so frustrating watching people not understand him. I feel like so many of these comments are so ??? like Jun deserves better but so does Subin if that's the case. If you think they are incompatible it's not just because of Subin. Jun is lacking in so many areas too. Subin has much more nuance and a way better understanding of his own emotions (whilst being quite volatile/reactive out of the two), Jun on the other hand tends to hide under a mask. They are both insecure in their own way but Jun suppresses it to the point he starts letting them fester and they become a huge deal. I feel it's really unfair how so many people only blame one party for all this misunderstandings. I love Jun but I am not blind. I have enough critical thinking to understand the reason they are really fighting is not just Subin not saying "I love you" back easily. It's easy to blame Subin but really its not fair.

Maybe it's also because I've read the raws and from what I understood, Jun is a frustrating lover too. I guess with gaps in their age comes gaps in mentality or perspectives. But I am not gonna throw either one under the bus and say one deserves better.
They both deserve better, better versions of each other. Please fuckin communicate.
2024-02-04 04:15 marked
I just feel like if Yahwi and Jooin were gonna be end game then they should of at least established some non sex based relationship. Like, he even said in this chapter that they didn't date. All they did was have sex. They weren't friends before that and Yahwi treated him like trash all through it. And what I really struggle to forgive is that Yahwi sat by and watched as their peers treated Jooin like poorly and outed him. And they did it FOR Yahwi. Because that's how publicly mean he was to him. They thought he hated Jooin the most.

Like, I'm gonna see this through to the end but Jooin really deserved to leave Yahwi behind permanently.
2024-02-16 17:25 marked
You would think inventing a character that centers around reincarnation and reuniting with your first love in the next life would take priority as a fantastical and world altering plot story especially since that character was the jumping point of the entire idea of the story but nah, that's just background stuff. Like WHY insert a character that has such a disruptive and insane background in what is essentially a very bog standard, run of the mill will-they-won't-they couple who have zero interest in the fact that this other guy CAN REMEMBER HIS PAST LIFE??? It's like a BL where a side character has magic powers and needs to save the universe, but let's spend 80% of the story on this toxic couple who argue about petty shit. It just trivializes everything. Anyway I'm not going to miss this, but I am going to miss everyone in the comment section lol
2024-03-22 16:44 marked

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