From the raws of the manga I found, Buckingham will later want Richard to be bare his heir (I think) to the point he chained/abducted Richard to the bed and forced him in women clothing. Ofc Richard is not okay with it and well his and Buckingham desire collide and I think that really strained their relationships. Also the twins get poisoned like just after they found again their brotherly love (not incest way but when they realized that they literally have only themselves... )
I think, Richard's love for Henry will come back while what he felt for Buckingham will weaken. It's a bit daring to say, but I think the infatuation Richard has for Buck is mainly imprinting. Buck was the first person that trully accepted everything that Richard is. Example before they became a thing and Richard starts to ask for Buck's warmth, there was a flashback of young Casterby that instead of telling Richard "You're great as you are" when Richard was being bullied for having odd eyes he instead made him hide what people didn't like of him. The "you're other eye color is odd so let me cut your hair so you can cover it". It's cute that he cared for Richard but ultimately he made Richard feel like he should be ashamed of parts of himself.
Richard fell for Henry who in the end refused his love. When Richard dressed up as a woman when he confessed to Henry, I think he acknowledge he was a woman and that he fell in love=womans love for a man. If Henry didn't hallucinate / affected by Cecil's words and his fear of sex and women, he would have accepted Richard as he present himself to him as his woman self. Henry loved Richard but didnt know he was a woman. So Henry accepted Richard's man side but wasn't ready to accept Richard female side. (plus he still hasnt to dealt with his phobia of women)
Richard then get the misconception that his female love is wrong and just a sin that should be left as it is. Thus he decided to be a man as he buries the love of a woman he had and his woman side, along with Henry's coffin and as he accepted to wed Anne.
Buck accomplished what Casterby/Henry couldn't. Buck didn't told Richard he should hide his body or refused his womanly side. He fell in love with Richard. Genuinely loved Richard and so Richard female side found solance and Richard himself feels comfortable with his female side when he is with Buck. So they both in peace with each other... BUT as we see later Buck is starting to have the need for Richard to be his and not be with other women. Plus add Richard still has feelings for Henry and refused to call Buck with his first name which is the same as Richard first love... So that certainly add insecurity issue to Bucks at the the idea that Richard loved another man. My guess is that their relationship will strain as seen in the raws too, because he wants Richard to be just his woman self. He wants to have a child with Richard and have him wear female clothes... I think this forced desire of Buck will result in Richard interpreting his actions as not respecting her/his wishes, time and doubting her trust(and well if I was Richard I would feel more comfortable and happy if my partner r both love my woman & man side equally).
My theory is that Buck will try to bring down Richard from the King's seat and idk.. Fake Richard's death so he can hide Richard as a lover (lol let's remember that Buck is married). Mainly because if Richard is the king it is harder to kept that position if it comes out that the king is homosexual... And from previous events, people practically will believe anything and will think every king is bad. People always thinks that whoever is in the leader's seat is not doing enough or corrupted... So Buck will try to betray Richard so he can him away from the king seat and have at his side. A bit dramatic but according to irl Richard 3rd he gets betrayed by Buckingham and well so far the author respected the crown succession. (tho author didn't add that Richard had other children other than Edward...)
My guess is that Henry is still ML. Henry will fall in love with Richard all over again but most importantly he learnt to love Richards' female side. At that point he will ask Richard to accept his feeling but it's gonna be difficult for Richard to take back the first love he buried plus add that he loves Buck too but is uncertain after Buck forces him to be a woman..
2020-11-22 21:11 marked

If you like psychological, messed up stories, here's one for you. Otherwise, please don't read it cause it'll be a waste of time for you and not be able to appreciate the story fully. There are warnings from both the tags and the comments, please don't bash a story or the author when they tried really hard, especially when they actually wrote the story that fulfills the criteria for the tags.
Minjae was dumb to think karma wouldn't bite him back in the ass, his childhood was sad and I get why he doesn't want to be involved in stuff that reminds him of his past, but apart from the scene where we see him dreaming and crying out sorry to Eunsung, we don't see him feel guilty at all, and so as pitiful as he may be, he's still at fault for Hyukjoon's pain and frankly, does deserve what was coming for him.
Eunsung did not deserve to die, especially because of a child's jealousy. Taehyun fell for the wrong dude, but he did rape Minjae (Where are his parents lmao). Also would've liked to see how he and Minjae started their physical relationship (it was mentioned, but to me it felt lacking that we didn't get to see their origin, would've been nice). Sunho deserves a lifetime of hugs after all that, he was only a mere catalyst in the rest of the characters' eyes. Taehyun only felt guilty for Sunho, but doesn't truly care for him. That chairwoman should go to jail for child abuse.
I thought it was kinda funny that Hyukjoon put in so much effort and even fucked his son's killer, it would've been much easier to just, you know, grieve. I don't think he really had time to grieve Eunsung or feel sorry for himself? I think the first thing he did was go in shock, denial, anger, then planned his revenge. That's the only way I could see him being able to think of something like this. Saw his suicide from a mile away. Hope he's doing well with his son now. But the lines, "But, now that I see your tears... it doesn't fill me with relief [...] I guess I loved you a lot more than I thought," plus the author's note, "someone who's consumed by hatred may grow to feel new emotions that make them hesitate on their path of revenge," "new emotions" may have referred to the love that Hyukjoon has grown towards Minjae, think it might have referred to the obsessive feelings of revenge that may have grown into some form of love (since it was BL, probably romantic, but for me I think it was in between familial love and romantic love)? I'm not sure, just that Hyukjoon unknowingly started to care for Minjae. But because Hyukjoon "chose revenge," as stated in the author's note, his yearning for revenge for his son was much stronger than whatever he felt for Minjae.
Also, through autopsy, they'd realize it was a suicide not a homicide, so Minjae wouldn't be sentenced to jail, maybe he'd be detained for a while, but other than that he wouldn't suffer any consequences apart from the pain of losing Hyukjoon. Hopefully Taehyun can afford a psychologist/psychiatrist for Minjae so he can get his shit together. Yes, Minjae was a jerk to Taehyun, and even acknowledged that he treated Taehyun poorly, but he really has no one to lean on anymore (we don't see any other person call out to Minjae after they started as student teachers, so this is only an assumption, though I think it's safe to say no one else is close to either of them), and really he just needs therapy. Actually, scratch that, they all need therapy. But the story was well executed, the characters were all sympathetic, Minjae too (if you dig deeper and read thoroughly), personally, even to the point where I could empathize with them, and I would definitely recommend it if you wanna see angsty stuff with a bittersweet ending.
2020-11-26 04:18 marked

(づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ
2020-12-04 05:48 marked

If you think this is a fluffy yandere read pls just stop and dip to something else. I love all genres but know the difference between yandere (sick-love) and psychological themes. I could also recommend both genre reads to those who want either. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
2021-01-12 07:11 marked

2021-01-16 16:13 marked
2021-01-16 16:14 marked

She was so scared of loosing him and ruining the relationship that she let herself be overlooked for a long time and silenced herself. The bond was strong and she thought she would be with him forever.
She probably thought she couldn't ever get over him, but she now realizes she already has, he's out of her mind.
Her ex is finally attentive to her, seeking her in a way she wished he had before, but even as they are physically together she doesn't feel the bond anymore, she has changed for good.
I know having sex with someone even as you are emotionally involved with someone else is not a pretty way to deal with things and I agree you shouldn't rely on sex too much to make up your mind about relationships.
But she, at this point, has cleanly closed the relationship with the younger guy: she didn't lead him on, give mixed messages, left him hoping and hanging on.
She was very responsible realizing that he was too compliant and she was not emotionally reliable enough to be careful about it and she ended it.
She is free to seek closure however she wants and I actually think the meaning of the chapter was that sex doesn't equate love. She has sex with her ex husband and tangibly sees that nothing ties her to him anymore.
On the other hand she also realizes that she is now emotionally tied to the other younger guy and their relationship is more than a substitute for her husband and a comfort to her loneliness.
Until she doesn't completely close the wound of her past marriage on her own she can't in good conscience approach the younger guy and actually give him a chance to be more than a rebound.
2021-01-16 16:17 marked

2021-01-16 16:22 marked

2021-01-17 16:14 marked

The main character name is jinwoo and Alex is the red head and blonde dude is the other top. Not sure why it's referenced, but that's cool. Highly recommend to read
2021-01-19 12:28 marked

Okay so we’ve seen gore and all but a couple stuff happened on the other chapters that really made me wanna drop this manga, wich is sad because I was enjoying the story up to this point.
A person from Mujin’s past shows up and he’s clearly very obsessed with Mujin and unhappy with his current relationship with Choa.
What legit disgusted me was that this new character actually raped Choa (more than once even) and SOMEHOW Mujin didn’t notice for a while and things were just really unbearable — this new disgusting psycho spends a decent amount of chapters threatening Choa and abusing him while journeying together with him and Mujin.
So looks like the author was kinda going in a natorare route or something, the rape scenes are hella sensual and Choa comes to enjoy it at some point.
What actually made me even more mad was the fact this new dude didn’t actually get punished until now, and he’s getting all these solo scenes and past flashbacks as if he’s supposed to be a somewhat important character and we should feel kinda sorry for him because aw, he loved Mujin so much.
Sorry, nope, I wanna see that MF’s head roll on the ground. And why the heck Mujin didn’t immediately notice the blatant abuse he did to Choa is just mind blowing to me.
So after this wave of rapes this new character goes and tries to kill Choa wich results in the main couple being separated and Mujin being super depressed and insane, looking desperately for his lover, while Choa gets rescued by yet another hot character who kinda looks like Mujin but with blue eyes and short hair.
So Choa proceeds to be kinda worried about Mujin’s whereabouts but also kinda really vibing with this new hot dude who he considers to have a lot in common with himself initially.
Now just in case you weren’t hit with enough netorare in your face with the last character, Choa actually has sex (non penetrative but still sex) with new guy #2 under the influence of an aphrodisiac.
So yeah, Choa doesn’t have his memories yet and get banged by two different dudes.
If you don’t care about stuff like this it may be worth to continue reading, but I’m really not into a harem like setting so I’m dropping this for a while, although I’m still somewhat curious of Choas memories eventually coming back.
2021-01-27 01:37 marked

its how the ex responded and behaved after finding out his long time boyfriend and chidlhood friend was actually alive and not dead. I dont care if you moved on after your boyfriend "died" i care that you are being cold to someone who youve known your whole life and who was in a coma for 5 years. you wouldnt treat a stranger how the ex is treating mc. MC was literally in between life and death for 5 years, you should be happy that hes alive and well if he was someone you ever cared for. Hes not obligated to get back with him but being glad that hes not dead would be enough, knowing each other for 30 years makes you almost family and hes treating him like hes some parasite who came to ruin his current relationship, really pisses me off
2021-01-28 20:38 marked
2021-02-10 04:41 marked

2021-02-14 08:51 marked
2021-02-16 07:33 marked
2021-02-20 11:33 marked
2021-02-20 11:35 marked

I'm really looking forward for more chapters.
2021-02-22 19:00 marked

2021-03-05 16:06 marked
Thoughts of who Richard will end up with also a bit of spoiler and theory (...