-i kinda have a feeling that the 'jisoo killer' is some what a boy who had a memory about girl named 'jisoo' but don't know her surname in the past like his first love / his savior or whatever and he's trying to find that jisoo in his memory
-but the bf .. really i wish he'll regret at some point when the mc can't stand that relationship anymore
2021-07-18 07:52 marked
The way I read it, Young Jo is far from pushing Seung Gyu away. In fact, she's trying to pull him in, in the least threatening way possible. Let me list my reasons.
1. Young Jo had no option but to stop going to the hospital because Seung Gyu meant it when he said he'd leave if she kept visiting. We have seen from his previous actions that he has low self-esteem and is quite capable of extreme self-sacrifice.
2. She mentioned how nobody believed that he talked that night because he was unconscious for a long time after that, which means she was keeping track. Also, she said that when he was released, she went to the hospital to find out where he went. From the context, we can guess that he didn't leave a forwarding address.
3. The first thing she says when she goes into the restaurant and sees Seung Gyu is "Found you", which means she's been looking for him ever since he got released from the hospital (about 3 years) and didn't know where he was.
4. Yes, she dated another guy for a year. As she put it, he was kind and she was going through a lot of shit - trauma from rape for which she was seeing a psychiatrist, pursuing a rape case against Min that she eventually lost because the court decided that they were dating and she went to the motel with him voluntarily, hostile work environment where people sneer, talk behind her back and spread rumors, not having anyone to talk to except her father who is in bad health (after she broke her friendship with Lumina). So yeah, she took what support was offered to her and tried to move on but as she said, it ended just like that, because she couldn't.
5. Now, coming to her declaration to Seung Gyu that their relationship is over, I think it's because now that she finally found him and he is willing to sit across from her and talk to her, she doesn't want him to run away. The reason that Seung Gyu wanted them to break up was because his injuries would make it impossible for him to live a normal life and he doesn't want to drag Young Jo into such a life. Hearing him explain them now, that is still true. So, to slowly get closer to him without threatening him, she makes an offer that is not too attractive. She is asking him to go back to the same role that he had prior to his accident after almost 5 years, but she's doing her best to make it sound as bad as possible and something no one else would likely take up.
6. When he laughs and says she is a bad boss, you see the shining light and flowers around him. I think that's how Young Jo actually sees him. Also, the last panel show how delighted she is when he shows up in the office.
Based on all this, I think she is basically luring him slowly back in and that she has absolutely no intention of giving up on him.
2021-07-17 06:06 marked
Other men fighting over her while Nadrika out here eating her pussy every morning.....he really won
2021-07-08 01:10 marked
I saw that there are a lot of people hating on Erica because of the situation with Leo. I respect and understand your opinions and I am just gonna live mine. If you’ll ever transmigrate to a place wherein almost everything is set into place because of the freakin plot, it is normal for her to react that way. Not to mention that in her past life she craves for love because she was lacking for it. She is just afraid of the plot becoming true and Leo throwing her away once he meet Yuliana. Just imagine the pain when the man you dated and loved for 3 yesrs or 4 or whatever suddenly shifting his love and attention to some other girl in a snap of an eye. Though yes the plot changed, but in her eyes things like fate and plot are set into the stone because they are in a novel. Dunno if I make sense. Please don’t hate me. Spread love mwuah.
2021-07-02 20:32 marked
pinky is so damn manipulative and pushy. he also keeps mistreating blue-boy so i dont like him. but at the same time blue-boy is starting to learn the ropes of manipulation so im starting to get uncomfortable with him. poor brownie hes just being passed around by the guys he considers his best friends
2021-07-01 01:17 marked
I really wanted a nice little poly relationship instead I got favoritism, manipulation, coercive sex, and toxicity. (〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
2021-07-01 01:17 marked
As far as I fucking remember, Jooin developed feelings for Yahoo because of his appearance. After all the shits that he pulled, I hoped that it will be different. I thought after all those bullshits, he will wake the fuck up and choose what's goddamn better for him. When Jooin started creating distance between him and Yahoo, I'll admit that I was so fuckin' happy. I mean who tf wouldn't? I thought he's finally getting outta' here. I thought he's finally getting smarter. But bitch goddamn. What the fuck is he doing. Bitch got mad at Cain again for intervening between him and Yahoo. Like how tf can he be so dumb? Why did they make him like that? It's so fucking dumb that it's fucking squeezing every fucking rage that I have in my fucking entire being. WHY THE FUCK IS HE MAD ON SOMEONE WHO'S TRYING TO PROTECT HIM? Just why the fuck? I can't understand the logic at all. Yahoo's almost bare fucking minimum antics is enough to send a tingle on his ass so he keeps holding onto him? They made him so fucking heads over heels this Yahoo when they didn't share a deeper relationship. Like it's from appearance so how the fuck he became so dumb. I'm sorry for the rant but I'm so fucking pissed about the latest chapter. It's so fucking dumb it's infuriating
2021-06-25 09:45 marked
See, no matter how much i dislike a character, i always give them some room to have some sort of character development, but in this case, its just hasnt been executed well at all.

-no offence to the author, but at this point, it looks like they are just grasping at straws & putting anything they come up with in the plot. Yahwi has been such an asshole on the brink of redemption for 50+ chapters, REPEATEDLY invalidating, and ignoring and even sexually assaulting Jooin and the author just slaps on the "bad past" trope to compensate and give explanation to his actions. Backstories are usually used to emit empathy from your readers, but honestly, I (most of us as well i assume) am not feeling that at all.

- He never once even expressed how he felt towards Jooin from his point of view (indirectly or directly) and even went as far to say he doesnt like Jooin, but he doesnt want to lose something he had in his hands. He turned a blind eye towards his friends rumors, invalidated Jooins feelings and made it seem like he was being sensitive about it. heard Jooin say "stop, no", watched him cry & pass out every time he has sex with him, yet NEVER apologized (well he didnt even seem frickin sorry) and then all of sudden hes like
"oh i have a tragic past so thats why i treated Jooin like utter crap lol" and even proceeds to express that he treated Jooin that way because Jooin doesnt remember his sorry ass? lmfao how old is he?? how can you sum up all the conflict that happened as a JUST 'miscommunication'??

- The author just realized that Yahwi was too much of an asshole and just adds any random shit to his character to amp up his pity party and calls it a day
2021-06-12 09:20 marked
I don’t really understand why people don’t see the improvement in mc and Daniels relationship it clearly improved. I also think it’s important that there romance doesn’t started until later on in the story cause there’s a big fact people are forgetting. Daniel is trying to kill her. That’s something people keep forgetting. The only reason he is getting closer to her is to murder her. Daniel may be the ml but in the current time line he is a threat to the main character. We don’t even know why he is trying to kill her. He is only holding off in killed her cause she caught his interest not because he likes her. She considers him a friend but he might not consider her a friend. He don’t know alot Daniels pov right now so we don’t even know what he thinks of her. Also mc is nothing like Ariel. She is clearly aware of how she wants the other characters to think of her. She wants them to think of her as a friend but she wants to be special to them so they don’t end up giving there hearts to Ariel who practically sacrifices them but not enough for them to rise there lives for her. The relationship with ml is going to take Time cause they barely know each other like they barely meet don’t expect romance so fast. The main villain of the story hasn’t even showed up more or less even talked about. But mc doesn’t know that she didn’t read the book so she’s probably also going to be confused when he shows up cause she wouldn’t know anything about him and she probably wouldn’t even think of romance by then.
2021-06-11 09:58 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2021-06-11 02:32 marked
OK LISTEN. sunbae TOLD HO-IN that he likes taesoo and that he just wants to be a place holder, now when subae actually follows up to what he says and ho-in gets hurt i dont wanna hear any of you crying about it
2021-06-11 02:31 marked
There’s a lot of comments about incest and who the ML is, so I will clear up things and you can decide whether you want to continue reading this Manhwa or not. It’s up to you

1. Castor (guy who kills her for like 40 times) is not the ML
2. The duke (silver haired guy next to Castor) is second ML (I hate him tho tbh)
3. FL only interacts with two princes (her brothers) Fleon and Dane. They treat FL as a naive child since she has never been outside her palace and she does not interact with any other princes. They are not interested in FL romantically it seems....not sure tho since the novel hasn’t reached the point yet
4. ML is Amor
5. ML and FL are not blood related but they are siblings (so it can be considered incest) However, ML and FL do not personally know each other and they are practically strangers (but they are still family)
6. The novel is quite angsty and depressing, but I’m not sure about Manhwa
2021-06-08 01:25 marked
Okay so from what I’m understanding BOTH Jaemin and Soohyun suck fucking BALLS. Soohyun likes Daon very much in a toxic/borderline obsessive way. Jasmin does not like Daon but wants Daon to depend on him and doesn’t want him with anyone else. These men are TWISTED

Daon deserves better. Better = Seunghyun.
2021-06-07 03:57 marked
So, in this sequel Hozumi is a piece of shit, right?
I read Love Nest (the sequel) that tells Hozumi's story, and since Change World and Sayonara Game are the prequels to Love Nest, it means Hozumi is a piece of shit now, but later on (in Love Nest) he deeply apologizes and changes himself, so don't worry guys! He's not a bad guy, he just got deeply heartbroken. I'm not excusing his actions, what he did was awful, but he regretted it a lot and apologized, and that's what matters. (▰˘◡˘▰)
2021-06-05 02:32 marked
1) Sayonara Game
2) Change World
3) Love Nest
4) Love Nest 2nd *ongoing*
5) Engage (Naru story) *new* [Dear+ June 2021 issue]
2021-06-05 02:29 marked
There're 59 chapters out so far and yet not a single crumb of redemption on Yahwis end. At this point, I don't even know what the author's thinking because there's barely any plot progress. I don't care if he ends up with Cain or not but there must be some plot twist because it's ridiculous if he ends up with Yahwi after all of this smh
2021-06-04 00:24 marked
The chapter got it so here’s the translation:

So, at the beginning Yahwi’s like “I came because you left without even eating”

Then he looks around the room and says “it’s pretty small for two people, I thought there’d at least be two rooms. He tells Jooin he’s gonna get him another bed but Jooin says there’s a misunderstanding and insisted on going to talk outside but Cain intervened and said “let go of him”

Then basically Yahwi says Cain pissed him off as soon as he saw him for the first time, and Cain says so what? Are you even sure you met him (Jooin) first? (Referring to their past lives) Then Cain says “do you wanna punch me?” And Yawhi says “you wanna do this now?”
Then Jooin yells stop and says “you’re gonna do that in someone else’s home??”
He asks Yahwi to leave but he’s surprised that Cain isn’t asked the same. He says “You want me to leave you here in this state?” (Referring to his health)
But Jooin says “You don’t even want to talk about it.”
Yahwi: “You think this blond foreigner is gonna stay with you forever?”
Jooin: “I’m not doing this for Cain. Haven’t you noticed? all you do is talk about yourself since you’ve arrived. We can’t talk.”

Then Yahwi goes outside and grabs Jooin with him. He kisses him then says “You really I’m some dumbass you doesn’t know anything? Don’t even think that I’m gonna let this slide” (I think he’s referring to Cain more than what Jooin did).

Then Cain comes out and ask if Jooin’s okay.

I’m not fluent so some of it may be a bit wrong but you got the idea
2021-06-03 15:48 marked
Okay so the black haired guy is using the gray hair guy as his partner and to have his debut back into art. The gray hair guy is in love with Dylan who is with someone else but they still meet up for 'play'?? Is this correct so far??
2021-06-03 02:27 marked
Okay I saw this on another site so here some context

Let me add this first this is a Alpha x Alpha Story
Incase anyone confused this the spin off to 그래도, 좋아해 and it might be confusing as they will mention bits of the prequel so here's a gist of the prequel

"Jinwoo/Damon (Chin/Lip mole ) was in sexual relations with Minjae (his first love from 그래도, 좋아해), but his younger brother Hyunwoo (check mole) must've loved Minjae a different way/before, so now they're at odds. Minjae broke it off with Jinwoo over (unknown), but they've met again through art and the first thing he does when he sees him is try to r*pe him & marked him(or left marks on him)"

Colton had a meeting with Jinwoo but sent Minjae in his stead, which lead to Jinwoo almost rape him & marking him (FYI idk if he marked him or left some kind of marks on him)
Colton saw this & when he met Jinwoo/Damon for a 2nd meeting he smell the scent Minjae had on him & this made Colton mad because he hates alphas who can't control themselves & thinks what Jinwoo did is what "that guy" did to someone named Dylan(I think Colton has feelings for Dylan), in ch.1 Jinwoo teases him by technically saying "ooh you're trying not be like that guy who left a mark on Dylan"

I'm going to leave this comment in the comment section pls go like it so I can be top comment so incase this post gets buried others can see it on the page & won't be so confused (seems like I can't add it somif anyone wants add go ahead because it won't let me)
2021-06-03 01:02 marked
For all of those that are confused about what this is about and what’s going on. This manga is a sequel of Still, I like it. But this manga is not about the same couple it is about another couple. This is an omega verse manga that gives omegas more rights than in any other omega verse that I have read.

The uke is a recessive alpha which means that he’s not that dominant but he is very cold hearted and is a potter/ one of those people that makes statues out of clay. He used to be very good but lately he hit a creative block when he got dumped by his fuck buddy that is an omega. The omega is the MC in Still, I like it and he is a bit cold too and is a person that makes galleries for artists. The uke realizes that he’s actually been in love with the omega after the omega broke up with him. Then he went around fucking a lot of omegas bc he’s heartbroken.

Then the uke goes abroad to do some art stuff and goes to a bar where he meets the seme. The seme is a dominant alpha so his pheromones are stronger and still have an effect on recessive alphas. The seme liked BDSM play so he did it to the uke and the uke liked it bc he didn’t think about the omega. It was the first time that the uke was penetrated but he enjoyed it. Then the uke flies back and goes to his college as usual.

As soon as the uke thinks about the one night stand with the uke, he meets the seme again in a bar and thinks that the seme is stalking him. But really the seme went back bc of work and bc of his own fuck buddy that he has feelings for. The seme tells the uke hell do anything so that the uke could forgive him bc the uke missed his own art gallery since his ass hurt so much and couldn’t attend. The uke tells the seme that the seme has to put an exhibition for him in a famous gallery and that they have to be fuck buddies bc that’s how he gets inspiration to make pottery/statues.

However the uke says that he wants to do BDSM even though he has never been sub before but he wants to do whatever feels good.
2021-06-03 01:02 marked

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