Suzu's boyfriend came back!!

For those of you who don't know, there exists a doujin series made by the same mangaka of this one and it's called 'Kimi Sake no Ponytail'. It follows the events of Suzu, who crossdresses to impress his male crush, (who was supposedly straight but arrows can be bent lol). Suzu eventually comes to realize that he generally likes dressing as a girl, even outside of his crush for, erm, I forgot his name ^^'. They become a couple and have looots of sex. It really should be noted that the doujins are pretty nsfw, lol

Suzu's crossdressing made him: 1) come to terms with his gay identity, 2) work at Cafe Question and embrace his admiration for crossdressing in an environment where everyone accepts him AND 3) get a cute as hell partner

And now he's back! Suzu's bf is back!!! I'm so happy TT
2020-10-24 01:57 marked
this item will be show after approved
2020-10-21 23:19 marked
Can't really blame the author here. In the novel, Khaol was still devoted to River and so was Heil. But the author couldn't just choose(would've been a nice 3P but author never went that road). So the novel "ends" with River never choosing either.

So that is why Khaol suddenly turned on River like an asshole in this comic. They really wanted to sever Khaol and River with a grudge so that Heil gets free reign.

I feel this is a disservice, but what's done is done I guess.

Love triangles are a bane on fiction ISTG.
2020-10-21 23:17 marked
Kinda confused that this says this is still ongoing, has me questioning if there are extras?
Anyways this story was a rollercoaster of emotions (mainly just anger tho). It went from starting off bad, getting a short amount of time good when they broke up the first time, bad again cause they got back together and then ultimately better.
All I know is:
Karma is my freakin’ bish, I love karma~!

Shino I hated her at first, typical cheap chick. Then I learned of her backstory and how she ended up happy with her husband again, and ngl I was happy for them in that moment. However, the fact didn’t change that she also cheated and ruined someone else’s relationship as well. I guess it was foreshadowing when she said it herself that she felt like she was the only one really happy, but it looks like her past is coming back to haunt her by having her own daughter get with her old f*ck buddy.

As for her husband, truly feel bad for him. Yeah he creepy with all the investigating and wiretaps, but other then that he’s just a guy who really loves his wife. And that image of him crying while blushing was pretty cute oop. I feel bad cause he’ll have to deal with the whole daughter situation, however I don’t know if he’d just let such a thing go by. After all he looked like he can get pretty scary, and if he only asked for consolation money for the wife affair situation, I wonder what he’d do about his daughter’s situation haha.

Kyo. He went down wonderfully :D
I’m glad he fell in love with sa-Chan and he ended up getting dumped. He also cried about it which I was happy about. He continued to think about it for years, and even reflected on his mistakes and what he should have done until it was too late. Honestly he could’ve ended up like some other MCs that I know, which would’ve been a worse fate I guess (those MCs ended up being killed due to their sleeping around). I like this story because the author really makes the MC repent and realize just what he had done, unlike other MCs who never really realized the full extent of what they did to people. Im guessing kyo saw some of sa-chan in the new girl. After all she kinda said something similar to what sa-chan said (about how it’s fine if he likes another girl//sa-chan said it’s fine if he sleeps with another girl). She also wrote a letter, so that’s similar. Only difference is that she most likely is even more nuts.

As for Sa-chan, I’m really happy for her and the boy that she ended up with that liked her. I’m glad that she also didn’t date him right away and it looks like she was single for a while, so that could’ve helped her grow more by herself. They’re cute, I honestly like the twist that they actually ended up happy together (second lead wins yay!). I was thinking she was a lost cause in the middle when she dated Kyo again, but when she broke up with him I was like: “OOOH! That’s gooood!” Now she made him fall in love with her and got to be the one to break up with him instead. Althoughhh, ngl there’s a part of me that’s curious as to what would have happened if kyo and sa-chan actually ended up together. I wonder if he truly could have ended up happy because he seriously looked like he was changing, or if he would cheat again? But then again- I’m not that curious to actually want them to have ended up together lmaooo.
2020-10-19 19:02 marked
oops, this item doesn't exist any more
2020-10-19 02:51 marked
Are we just gonna ignore the fact that Christoph is immune to Cecilia’s mind powers and that he knows Ryan is actually gone, but is for some reason going along with everything??
2020-10-18 23:38 marked
after reading this for the third time i like to think karis and kyon decided to become "royal blood" in the same way shian had. i think they would be able to endure the pain. i see lucaon and shian being against it, but im sure they would have gone through it and survived just so they could stay by their side forever.
2020-10-18 23:38 marked
I don't really like how, Kyon didn't even know he was from intron but as soon as they found out, everybody wanted to kill or get rid of him just because he was a threat to Lucaon. While Christoph literally killed Lucaon's whole family, killed Ryan, and killed the culprit who could have saved him. But yet when Lucaon gets mad him, which he rightfully should, everybody started defending Christoph. He's way more of a threat than Kyon...
2020-10-18 23:38 marked
Why do i keep feeling like Christoph's memories were not erased that he actually protected his mind when Cecilia tried to use her abilities on him? It hurts the fucking soul thinking about that.
2020-10-18 23:37 marked
I'm sad over the fact that chistoph doesn't remember Ryan anymore. And that it happened after Ryan kissed his forehead. I hate it here. But this story’s just so good. It managed to be good every chapter. I want more of it, but it ends beautifully. So I guessed I just have to make up a story of them in mind. Hahaha.
2020-10-18 23:28 marked
I feel really really sad for Christoph
All his life people were making decisions for him
And his love was the only thing he actually wanted for himself ,the only thing that make him feel bette
And yet that was taken away from him without his consent

I understand why they did it but I dont think it was their decision to make
Maybe he would chose to relive all the memories he had while being sad instead of losing the one person he cherished
2020-10-18 23:11 marked
it's been about a year since i last read this but my thoughts have changed a bit about ryan and christoph. i do think in a way they deserved what they got even though their story is super tragic. ryan aided in a poison that would kill the family he was supposed to protect and christoph although he was ordered to kill them, cecilia says so herself that christoph wasn't sorry about what he had done but was scared to lose ryan and serving sihan. i wanted christoph to die but forgetting the one person who you felt comfortable with and loved with never being able to feel is a fitting punishment. christoph will essentially die without remembering that he was truly loved by anyone or being able to, all he lives for is to obey orders. //// now about kyon and lucaon, i'm sad to know kyon doesn't magically have an extended life like lucaon does after getting the symbol BUT in my headcanon i would like to believe that he is determined to be a royal blood and gets a core and they live a long happy life together (again my headcanon). that was a lot to write but i just wanted to say it once lol
2020-10-18 22:52 marked
This manhwa, I was reading it a year ago and left it bc I thought it was boring, I came back to read it again bc someone said it was their favorite, I didn’t enjoy reading it and was a bit confused but finished it anyway

I will start by saying the art style is so beautiful , but the story doesn’t do it for me, the real min siwon who committed suicide was just forgotten, the main character siwoon.. how can someone like him? He is beautiful but his personality screams psychopath, he was watching an innocent boy getting raped and he said it didn’t bother him and felt nothing, his overall personality is just unlikable, he gives me bullies vibes, it wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t good either..
2020-10-13 02:27 marked
Just clarifying since this seems to come up over and over again in discussions that everything Jin does is for power. It's come up multiple times in his conversations with Suu that he just wants to leave, but he can't.
When Suu was under the impression that Jin works for the crown prince and asks him what he'll do if the crown prince loses, Jin tells him he'll run away since he's always wanted to do it anyway. Also, when they talk about growing millet, selling millet cakes and making wine, it's clear that he's actually given it a lot of thought and would love nothing more than to just leave the palace and live a peaceful life being a farmer and running a business. But like we saw in the latest chapters, it's no longer just about him. If he blinks, not just him but everyone around him will pay the price. In olden day Korea, when a person becomes King, the first thing they do is kill off all possible competition and the families of people likely to support a competitor (every generation from the oldest to the youngest) or sell them as slaves. That's how Nadan ended up a slave (because he was the illegitimate child of a noble who was killed for treason along with his family when the current King came to power).
So yeah, just clarifying a point. No opinions.
2020-10-11 05:45 marked
I think the author picked the wrong time for the back story. The action was finally moving and now we have to wait. Personally things have gone too far for me to care about his intentions as a child. He is a ruthless man now. That is who we are dealing with.
2020-10-11 05:45 marked
People must understand that the characters move and decide with a goal to achieve. Their wrong doings are for them to reach that goal. Jin wanted stability, Suu wanted freedom. Suu killed people to liberate both him and Nadan. Jin killed people to achieve a power that will never be questioned.

Up until now, only Nadan and a few minor characters had upheld a righteous act. And those acts could have caused them or someone else to die.
2020-10-11 05:45 marked
The reason Suryeon and Suu met was because Suu was going to drug his horse to kill him. But Sahara ate the horses before he could. When Suu was brought to the shrine, each of them was doing it for their own selfishness. Sahara wanted to eat Suu, Suryeon wanted to find a not too expensive and messy meal for Sahara and someone to handle him, Suu wanted to use the influence of Sahara & Suryeon for his own ends. Considering Suryeon is a prince and Suu is his servant, Suryeon has always treated Suu well while Suu has continued to betray him, selling information about him and Sahara to the Queen. In the latest plot, Suu sold out both Sahara and Suryeon to the Queen to save himself and Nadan. He is getting Sahara to use up so much of his energy to make rain and then he plans to leave Sahara behind to face the consequences coz he doesn't even plan to take him with him when he flees. Also, he plans to kill Suryeon by giving him poisoned tea and the only reason he can do that is because Suryeon will take a drink from him though he doesn't trust anyone else enough to take a drink from them.
I'm surprised Suu didn't think this through. If the dragon were to bring rain in line with what the Queen proclaims, obviously Suryeon would know that Suu and Sahara are plotting against him. How exactly did he think it would go down? Also, even after he knew that Suu has something to do with what was happening (since he said "it always ends up this way" as in people he trusts always betray him), he limited himself to breaking his ankle (which he would be fixing shortly anyway) and not killing him. In fact, he was about to jump in the lake when the dragon pulled Suu in. To sum it up, Suu was willing to use Sahara and kill Suryeon to get what he wants even though both of them trust him and would go out of their way to protect him.
So, basically, stop hating on characters and just enjoy the ride. None of them are good and none of them are evil. As for Sahara, most human emotions don't even apply to him. It is not the typical manga where characters are black and white.
2020-10-11 05:44 marked
What's happening to Suu ? why He gots scales ?? Thrufully, I'm reading this manga without understanding it LOL
2020-10-11 05:11 marked
I wonder if we'll get more development with Sahara. So far, Sahara has been somewhat of a one-dimensional character. Suu and Hwaryun have had the most development so far (individually and in terms of "relationship"). I'm genuinely curious as to how the story will play out as I can't really see Suu ending up with anyone romantically. However, we already know that Suu has been independent and self-reliant his whole life, so it wouldn't make much sense for his character development to head in that direction. We can see that he has always yearned to love someone and be loved in return (regardless of what kind of love it is, he has received little of it in any form). So far Sahara has displayed blind devotion to Suu after supposedly "imprinting" on him. As of now, it seems that Suu doesn't really acknowledge Sahara. A few chapters back, when Suu felt that "nobody cared for him" when clearly Sahara was prepared to give his all for him, Suu only thought about Nadan and Hwaryun. I think this is because Suu was subconsciously thinking in terms of "romantic love" (even if his feelings for both of them were messed up at that point). It's clear that Suu has never seen Sahara as a romantic partner thus far in the story. This is completely understandable, seeing as how Sahara has been a literal child for the majority of the story. I could see the author developing their relationship more in season 3 with Sahara in his adult form, but at the same time it feels a little late to finally introduce him as a potential love interest. Suu's relationship with Hwaryun is even more complicated. Honestly, these two are the ones that threw me off the most. At first, I though that Hwaryun and Suu would both gradually develop feelings for each other and learn to trust each other. As the story went on, I thought "Oh I was right, this is what's happening". I was quite wrong. Suu and Hwaryun's relationship had been incredibly shallow from the start, and it didn't get much better. It's clear that both of the characters had some level of attraction to each other, but it ended there. They do not trust each other, and their end goal was to ultimately use each other. However, they are not the same in doing so. Suu never wanted to harm anyone. He wanted to get out of Rahan safely while doing the least possible amount of damage. Hwaryun, on the other hand, doesn't mind putting Suu in danger as long as he could save him in the end. I was reading back a while before, and in chapter 36 Suu tells Hwaryun that he's afraid of getting murdered. Hwaryun laughs, but then his face goes dark and says "I will save you, over and over again". Suu notices that he says "I'll save you" instead of "I'll protect you" but it gets brushed off. As you guys can see, this has happened multiple times in the story. Suu has been put in danger because of Hwaryun multiple times, but Hwaryun has always come to save him. This is also similar to when Hwaryun broke Suu's ankle and then had it treated and fixed. There's a lot more with Suu and Hwaryun but I'm pretty sure the rest of it is obvious and whatnot. As we all know, Hwaryun grew up in a bad environment and his outlook on the world is warped because of this. He probably genuinely thinks that he was doing the right thing by taking care of Suu and "saving him", even though he was the one who put him in danger first. I think that Hwaryun does have some genuine feelings for Suu, but these feelings aren't the most important thing to him. Suu and Hwaryun have a very toxic relationship right now, and I don't really want them to be a couple unless Hwaryun goes through some serious character development. I kind of have a feeling that Suu and Hwaryun are going to be endgame because that's how the author seems to have set it up. You can also see in the author's extra art that Suu and Hwaryun are always closer together than Suu and Sahara. Usually that indicates something. Anyways, regardless of who ends up with who, I'm completely hooked onto this story. I really didn't expect things to develop the way they did, and I'd love to see where this all goes.
2020-10-11 05:10 marked
Royalty and Dragon has a give & take relationship, Royalty needs tha Dragons power in exchange the Dragon feeds on the Royalty. For some reason the Dragon and Jins family is not on good terms and was cursed by the prev dragon (Saharas mom, i think) So Sahara can't feed directly on Jin so thats why they need a medium which as it happens, sahara chose Suu. Now Sahara mentioned before that to grow up as a real dragon,Suu and sahara needs to be one. Slowly these past chapters, thats what happened and I think was only delayed a bit coz each time Jin heals Suu he loses memories and I think kinda supressed it. Jin was still unsure if the Dragons loyalty was to him so to weaken him but not kill him he was putting his blood on the water thing underground, again, the dragon cant feed on him directly and it hurts him. When Suu made a deal with the consort, Jin thinks that his better of w/o the dragon and tries to kill him but Suu and sahara connection was already quite strong and wheb he dragged suu down, i think there it was complete. Now Suu needs life and Jin to feed.
Youve been warned, I checked the raws and tho I cant read it, I kinda get it. Maybe...dunno hahaha
Although Suu and Sahara are now one they are still seperate people and I think its just one life, they are totally connected now. They are like to halves of one person now. And as much as they don't trust Jin, they need him and Suu, confuses it with Love, and I really am not sure if it is or if its just the dragons influence. In jins part, he has a lot going on as well, the back story explains it a bit. He never really wanted anything and he mentioned that his prime objective is he does just not want others taking it. I hope I'm saying that right xD Jins a sad case of complicated childhood and life. Anyways, Suu and Sahara are hiding, coz I think theyre not sure yet what to do with all this. And I think the consort gave birth but with the Emperor dead, Sahara killed him btw, Jin is automatically Emperor as of now. That where raws end for now.:) Again this is all base on my own understanding of the story so far and looking not reading the raws
2020-10-11 04:51 marked

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