Pax's experience ( All 0 )

Pax's answer ( All 11 )

about question
asexual biromantic, though I usually leave out the asexual part cause people don't usually understand/know what it means lol   reply
17 07,2021
Pax 20 06,2021
I have a really good memory (like I'm stupid good at memorising stuff), but I have no motivation for school at all lol.   reply
20 06,2021
about have sex
Croissants are gross and heavily overrated.   8 reply
28 05,2021
about question
Pax 06 05,2021
I'm gonna be blunt here; You're homophobic. A common homophobic rhetoric is: "i DoN't SupPoRt tHe LgBtQ+ cOmMuNiTy bUt I sTiLl ReSpEcT yOu, I dOn'T cArE iF yOu'Re GaY." If you say this people will just automatically assume you're homophobic, there is no way to be neutral on the topic. Treating a group of people as if they are nothing but a politica......   reply
06 05,2021
about question
Pax 25 04,2021
close enough lol   reply
25 04,2021

Pax's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did simp 4 someone shity

Sorry for choosing shitty men

2 hours
did make friend from this site

S you're one of the greatest friends I made on this site and you have a heart. A kind one and funny one but I hope you're okay.

11 hours
did lose a friend

I still care about your safety dear old friend. I want to help you and I'm sorry for everything. You're a good person not awful nor toxic.

11 hours