Zucchini's experience ( All 0 )

Zucchini's answer ( All 1 )

I want to be open about my sexuality. If I one day I could accept myself and be free from the guilt and horrible inner homophobia nonsense that riddles my brain. Hopefully one day I will come out to my family and friends. It is scary thinking about my future when I can’t even accept reality. Also, hate having anxiety with interacting with strange......   6 reply
02 08,2020

Zucchini's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did shaving your head

Once it was freeing, my hair grew back 10x faster

30 minutes
want to do shaving your head

we should all go bald. conformity.

6 hours
did being awake for far too long

I rarely have time for myself, so i take some spare time from my sleep schedule

22 hours