Heres the thing, it all boils down to reputation. Lets not forget that she is still a commoner and that she is a guest in someone elses house. The maids calling her a loose gold digging whore not only tarnishes her reputation but also the reputation of the vinterwald (or however tf you call it) family name. She is a family guest of the vinterwald family however these nasty rumors are foreshadowing a nasty scandal in the future that may smear the family name of the vinterwald family. And as someone whos just a commoner and yet a guest, repaying her hosts with a nasty scandal that can cause their prestige to be questioned is quite unfavorable. This rumor may just smear the reputation of not only her but also the rest of the family. People will constantly say how the duchess was incompetent enough to let a whore seduce not only one son but also the other. Ruediger would be called a fool who fell for the charms of a whore and people will constantly mock him. Lucas would constantly hear peiple make snide remarks or even outright tell him that his mother is a loose whore and blame his incompetence on her bringing him up, if not then theyll just throw mocking pity towards him by saying shit about the incompetence of his mother. (Cause shes posing as his mother) but most of all is how shell be seen as an easy pass and no one will take her seriously since everyone would see her as someone who can be defiled easily if money and power are involved (a loose whore). Shes worried that shell cause trouble for the duchy with the misunderstanding people have. Im not saying that the maids shouldnt be fired nah those bitches need to be kicked out and made sure their starved. They shouldnt be gossiping about their master and their loose lips can affect the reputation of the house. However cleansing the whole damn houses servants ismt really a good idea either since thatll cause for people to monitor the vinterwald house and itll cause a misunderstanding of the rumors being true. This is long but yeah this is my understanding. Theres more to it but i cant put it into words.
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