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user56278 February 21, 2025 7:30 am

Ok obviously Wooju is like the victim here but like...what kind of an idiot just takes a pill that thier friend gives them with no questions???? like genuinely why would anyone ever do that

user56278 July 10, 2024 9:28 am

Ok so I know there is a lot of Leo hate but am I tripping in thinking that he's not totally at fault for the relationship ending? Like the red flags that JJ sees in Leo now have been there from the beginning and JJ still chose to be with Leo despite that. Also JJ is weird asf for breaking up with Leo out of the blue like that...he should have communicated way better and told Leo immediately when he felt mistreated rather than keep it to himself. Like how is Leo supposed to learn and correct his behavior if JJ never expressed his issues until the last minute and then break up with Leo without telling him why....

Leo is absolutely far from perfect but like i feel like he is undeservingly getting the brunt of the blame...

Am I Trippin?

    Moomoo jugulars July 10, 2024 1:11 pm

    That’s what I was thinking too. It’s not completely Leo’s fault as J.J never communicated. But we don’t know until J.J says it himself. :P

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