Ok so I just make back to read ch.138 again after seeing something on tiktok (@slimeykneecaps) they said it as a passing comment and now I’m thinking too deep into it.
But the page where the shifters and Ackermans get on Falco’s titan to leave you see him screaming in his titan form and there was a glow (idk if it was or just the way it’s drawn) but like what if Falco was the one to turn those who inhaled the gas into Titans???
Anyone got any thoughts about it?

Even after seeing the spoilers I’m legit shaking I’ve had to put my phone down so many times after each page. Can I be buried with this chapter please???
Fucking hell to think after all these years and we’ve only got one more chapter to go till it’s the end.
Such a bittersweet moment for Mikasa and Eren, tbh I’m still not a full hearted shipper between the two of them, however he loved her the only way he could and so did she for him. I hope Isayama can go further into detail with their relationship in post-aot interviews just to find out extra bits and why he created them with such a dynamic. Truly a power couple if I ever saw one.
Fuck man this is actually starting to hurt. My heart isn’t ready for this at all.
I’m so proud of my bestie Yeonwu, his existence holds so much power to just awaken the gay in Taehwan’s subconscious