side 19-22… FOUR CHAPTERS IN ONE GO WOOWOW SO BLESSED… dosak fucking ate with these chapters THE HEALTHY COMMUNICATION oh my god the intercrural sex are you kidding me… if sketch ever gets officially licensed for a physical copy i will be buying it I love this series it is my favorite BL i will die on that ngl the art style changed is always in the back of my head when reading the recent chapters… on the fence about which i like more bc they both have their charms

okay but i still want to know and understand the backstory between that other friend from high school... (he passed away? why and how) like what was his relationship between the mc and ml... i feel so lost and story deprived

aftr reading it many times so i get some point like=
seoin loves baek i meant the uke a lot and they practice those 18+ thingy but uke saw seoin and his brother kissing cause of that he made himself distance from seoin as from pov of him he thought seoin got his loved back or something else thats why they got distant ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄ i am not 10000% sure it just my theory
i’m so glad that dead beat dad is dead but at what cost y’k… NO MORE SUFFERING PLEASE WOOWON i wonder what the author has in story for this season… I LOVE SEO-AN AND WOOWON i desperately need their love RIGHT NOW