Solus's experience ( All 1 )

28 09,2020
(Hunter x Hunter comes second.)   reply
28 09,2020

Solus's answer ( All 9 )

Some people are into it. That’s all there is too it. As obvious as it may sound, feels like it needs to be said again: liking rape in fiction doesn’t mean you want it to happen in real life. Someone’s tastes in fiction don’t reflect their morals. No matter how icky it may seem to you, it’s not inherently bad. Some people like broccoli, my......   reply
21 07,2021
you're aware it comes straight from 4chan right? those people's intention only is to mock lgbtq+ people. not to mention their imagery... i mean SS? really? (and it was clearly made with that in mind, i saw the original post) if you guys know anything about wwii you must be just as disgusted with this as me.   reply
18 03,2021
I was using a manga scans website I had found months before (I don't remember precisely how I got onto this one though but it was the only good manga scans website with a large choice + multipages display I'd found). Surprisingly enough, they had Killing Stalking, despite not having a wide range of manhwa. However, something like the ~10 last cha......   reply
18 03,2021
about question
He is summer. (A fanfiction actually. It's about pedophilia and it's told from the adult's point of view at that... very disturbing.)   1 reply
12 03,2021
23 01,2021
Yes. Honestly, this platform is made to lighten people's hearts after long days or to just take your mind off things, to enjoy good - and some less good but that's the game - content and to have some company! The community is pretty funny and it's almost exclusively BL and GL lovers so we kinda understand each other ? We can share stuff we wouldn......   reply
23 01,2021

Solus's question ( All 1 )

(This was initially part of an answer on 'tiktok weebs' but it slowly morphed into a rant about something else.)

[Not to mention] the young (I've only ever encountered minors doing that) so-called sjw advertising against BL and yaoi or whatever else work of fiction and genre because they heard "it's BAD and unethical and fetishization and no one can enjoy it unless they're a terrible person and the one who do need to grow out of it and reflect on their actions and change" like??? i've seen so many of them ? even before i actually got into BL for real and it made me so mad ?? not because i feel accused of some sort or that i'm trying to defend a behavior but because it is genuinely wrong and, condemning people for the content they consume is WOW such an asshole move.

And the lack of rationalization of this discourse... also the ignorance and the deliberate state of being unwilling to educate themselves on what they advocate against and its roots ?

I'm sorry but I'm mature enough to recognize problematic behaviors in characters/problematic tropes and so on. Yet I believe fiction MUST keep the right to portray those, whatever the intent or motive behind. I also think people who enjoy those shouldn't be yelled at or called "horrible people."
While we can point out the bad aspects of a genre, it doesn't mean people aren't allowed to still enjoy it in peace. As long as they don't harm or cause discomfort to others.
Being told that you're a fetishizer - in a very contemptuous/disgusted way (though I was never directly but it was aimed at people who consume content I may consume too) is very upsetting too?
Especially when they assume only cis straight girl consume m/m content for exemple and that you're undoubtedly one.

As a queer person in the ace spectrum that does not read BL and yaoi for the reasons they think of, it gives off such an incredible feeling of erasure.

Also it implies people who do are bad ? When there is really nothing wrong with reading yaoi because you're horny/because it turns you on/because you like m/m couples better... Like leave people alone ?
It's erasure because there can be a million reasons why someone reads yaoi and BL and yet they reduce the readers to one kind.
And even if the majority of readers does it for the same reason (which I doubt, because there are as many experiences as there're readers but let's admit that),
spreading hate to people, spreading hate to works in which so much time has been invested, spreading hate to creators who live off that... it's shameful, really.

If anything, it's thousand times more shameful than consuming the said-content.
16 11,2020

People are doing

did y'all just feel sad when

I think of when my cat will pass. What’s the point after that? Shes everything man

1 hours
want to do social media

Honestly if I could I’d make everyone delete it. We don’t need people influencing others to do bad things. Cons outweigh the pros.

1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

“Then one day you find
Ten years have got behind you
No one told you when to run
You missed the starting gun“

1 hours