GUYS UH I FORGOT WHAT THIS BL/YAOI WAS CALLED CAN YOU HELP? its about 2 boys who download an app and they have to do what the app says like for example sex or kiss but i forgot what its called
Shame Application http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/aplicaci_n_humillante/
Shame application http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/aplicaci_n_humillante/
but do people actually only read manga/manhwa for the rape cause thats disgusting but i saw someone said they read manga cause it has rape so im wondering if other people only read it cause of rape too
Regardless of what reason they read it for, it's none of our business and we shouldn't pry. The manga and characters aren't real, so it doesn't really matter? Maybe someone was traumatized by real-life experiences and reads rape fiction to cope/overcome their trauma. Maybe they simply think it's hot. It only becomes a problem if they think rape is okay in real life and can't separate fiction from reality.
I completely agree with you, rape is disgusting and so is supporting it. But if you didn’t experience rape yourself you literally don't know what the fuck you are talking about. I’ve seen people who were raped write fan fictions that include rape as a coping mechanism so it just ain't that impossible.
im hoping it doesnt come to r4pe