There’s literally no reason to hate on hyesung, he wants time alone. He met his father and found out the “truth” he fainted from shock and needs some time to heal? It’s completely fine to push away his family like that, he isn’t acting violently just nicely asking for some time alone. Reading the story you can see how they unwrap hyesung’s past, he has trauma. “how dare he make byul cry” Ha? Try to deal with having the struggle as a parent, AND your father that you ran away tries to force his way into your life and reveals the truth behind what gave you your trauma. Honestly everyone here is disgusting, f*ck off.

I totally, completely agree, except the fact that I don't think the guy wanted to make him feel guilty about byul, I just think that he considers him a good friend and it hurts him so bad to see his friend suffering. In a way i think that he thought that by giving him Byul, he would remember that even though he has a horrible past, his present isn't so bad.
omg i was cheesing and smiling so hard reading this THE AMOUNT OF TIMES I HAD TO PAUSE FRM EMBARRASSMENT