Well there's nothing bad about the story, it was well written and all but at the same type there's nothing great about it either it's just the average story which felt plain many of Times... Though we can say it's full of drama but it was not that captivating either...so overall average story... It's a good read but not something that I want to read again.

It could have been a great story if it was written properly with enough elements to bind the reader and proper amount of drama and romance... instead it felt like it was all over the place... it was like one moment writer wanted to write something and in the next chapter suddenly it's entirely different thing it was very loosely written....
Instead of telling a single proper story it was more like writer wanted to merge all kind of different plots into one and that also was done half heartedly...
I m really sorry if I m being mean in my comment but its just my honest critical opinion I really don't want to hurt anyone.
honestly i want to like it but i don't know may be i was lost in translation or otherwise....anyway it was very confusing at times and also ending was abrupt it felt so incomplete.