WarriorNun September 3, 2020 7:40 am

The Demon Queen and her Hero Harem.

WarriorNun September 2, 2020 4:09 pm

Oh my god, Doyoon's poor butt!

WarriorNun September 2, 2020 6:10 am

I didn't expect the Crane Wife scenario to be like that! ...I'm ok with it!

WarriorNun September 2, 2020 5:31 am

Probably the best elopement I had ever seen. As well as giving the villagers the metaphorical Finger.

WarriorNun September 2, 2020 4:49 am

Isekai villainess reincarnation...cooking...and doggos...

Sign me up.


WarriorNun September 2, 2020 2:34 am

The Baku story is the best. Hands down.

WarriorNun September 1, 2020 7:50 am

I regret reading this in one sitting! TT-TT I never cried this hard since The Tale of Yellow Dragon!

Ok, aside from the abrupt name change in translation...this is a roller coaster of feels and complex emotions.

Not to mention that this is all too real. At the beginning, it was a budding and beautiful romance from high school, but soon somewhere along the line, they somehow grew apart and Jiang made the relationship toxic. Though the lack of communication didn't really help much. And if one would think about it, if they both sat down, and talk...maybe end things on amicable terms...perhaps Zhishu (seriously, why LEWIS?) would live his final days with the one that truly cared for him.

And the ending, while bittersweet for the doctor (most likely visiting the places Zhishu wanted to go in his honor)...Jiang...just broke.

And it's not just the former couple.

Chen is also a victim as well, as much of a bitch he is. But he did loved Jiang...and sacrificed his dignity and self-respect, even going as far as giving away his beloved dog. WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT?! I'd fight tooth and nail to keep my doggo with me!

And in the end...he just give and give till there was nothing left. And he got nada.

This is a truly a beautiful tragedy. Sure, there is some flaws in the translation but the artwork is just so mesmerizing. And I love the subtle symbolism via dreaming. (I kinda like the train dream that kinda foreshadows the eventual demise of Zhishu).

And the motif of jasmine, the very flower that brought Zhishu and Jiang together, perfect.

This is the kind of story that had to be read once. And highly recommend to balance it out with a more fluffy heartwarming wholesome story.

WarriorNun August 31, 2020 1:19 am


WarriorNun August 30, 2020 7:52 am


    xixie October 19, 2020 6:35 am


WarriorNun August 30, 2020 5:48 am

Will there be a battle royale amongst them?

Will they be confined in a same place for three days to see how far they would snap and turn on each other?

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