blackdia July 25, 2018 1:20 pm

I was dreaming about a new chapter just a couple of days ago! Really thank you. I think this might be my all-time favourite manga. Love to the translation staff (づ ̄ ³ ̄)づ

BTW.... yes, the guy will try a move on Chika, but he'll go simply nowhere. The only drama will be generated by Motochika-kun's total blindness to any event unrelated to his lover. I bet on this.

    crazycatlady68 July 25, 2018 2:07 pm

    you bet so you don't know from raws or something?..

    blackdia July 26, 2018 9:25 pm
    you bet so you don't know from raws or something?.. crazycatlady68

    No, I've seen no raws, but I wouldn't be surprised if something "happened" due, essentially, to Chika's distraction from reality. But it would be a sort of misunderstanding, not a real betrayal. If that guy changes his mind about his love, next thing we'll be told the Earth is squared... it's all in the premises, btw. He keeps on repeating Natsume he's his only love, and he tends to be accurate when he speaks.

    Aaaah. Being that young to be so much in love with someone.

blackdia July 7, 2018 1:19 pm

Kang Jonha finally found himself a decent hairstylist! It was about time, what do you think?....

    yukilinch July 7, 2018 2:01 pm

    Ohhh shitt !!! finaly Kang Jinha make a handsome comeback holy man !!! I love you sensei huhuhu I'm about to kill Simon in my mind hahahhahha

    Picha 88 July 7, 2018 2:02 pm

    Fucking hot (๑•ㅂ•)و✧

blackdia June 8, 2018 8:21 pm

I just had an Illumination.
Siwon simply doesn't love Kang Jinha. I'll put it as simple as I can:
they are two guys. Not girls. Guys.
...and what exactly was Siwon waiting for before having sex? He didn't like him enough. That's all. Maybe he loved him as a friend but not as a man.
Girls take their time, not guys, beside yaoi universe. But this is too boring for being regular yaoi, so it must be real life, and in real life, two guys wait exactly three seconds.

Yeah I know in reality he has been tricked, but honestly, I must be the only one who finds Seonyun much funnier than Kang Jinha. This story is going nowhere, it wouldn't be bad to see some real action... c'mon, Seonyun, do fucking something.

    youraedthiswrogn June 8, 2018 9:07 pm

    That's some dank shit you're smoking, where can i get some 'enlightenment' too? ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

blackdia May 22, 2018 9:36 pm

just beautiful. The drawing takes your breath away, in my opinion.

blackdia May 10, 2018 10:34 pm

C'mon Siwon, this is such an improvement in your shallow life (๑•ㅂ•)و✧ go, get it!

Am I the only one who finds all this pathetic pseudo-tragedy utterly ridiculous and so, somehow, funny to read? C'mon! There's nothing to suffer about this, it's exhilarating.

blackdia May 4, 2018 8:07 pm

Well, LLJG I guess.... THANK YOU!!!! I missed them so much.

    LLJG May 4, 2018 9:31 pm

    You're welcome. :)

blackdia April 22, 2018 12:18 am

Try to imagine someone doing something like that to Asami in Finder.
Not a nice picture, uh? That blond guy is brave. If you hit a mafia man like that, you'd better kill him. But he's so cute that he'll have on his side the most dangerous of all weapons in manga universe: the public. So, who knows. Good like, pretty boy! I already forgot your name but you have style.

    lora April 22, 2018 1:48 am


    seiren April 22, 2018 6:04 pm

    asami who the hell can beat him with such a silly plan

blackdia April 17, 2018 5:06 pm

I can't fucking believe I was so caught up in the story I forgot golden rule n.1: pay attention to the pages flying away!... I got to the last one completely unaware it was the last-fucking-one!!! NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I'm gonna die for real this time. I can't wait to see Azusa again for, no, I don't even wanna start imagining how long it will take! Nooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!! AAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!

blackdia April 6, 2018 8:31 pm

Dear Siwon,
I think you might have some karmic issues when it comes to men. I hope you will take care of it as soon as possible, and that your karma will improve if not in this, in the next lifetime.
PS: if you don't take care of it soon, it's not completely unrealistic to suppose this lifetime will be over soon. You are surround by psychos. Like the great Brian Molko said once "change your taste in men".

blackdia March 29, 2018 6:15 pm

I was replying to a comment, then I decided to express my opinion taking full responsibility without involving someone else. My goal is not to insult anyone, but... are you all out of your mind?

When I read Rogi deserves to be happy and blah blah blah, I wonder: we really have to go to the extend of thanking God for him findind that great piece of ass of Tora's son to rape, too? Poor Rogi!
No, really. It's amazing how open-minded we become toward characters. Then, when a man watches a woman in real life nowadays, he's a rapist. But in the marvelous manga universe, everything's romantic and fluffy.

Rogi is the most disgusting character ever. Theres' nothing that can transform a man like him, who felt the impulse to destroy his previous lover's son life (he failed, but he could have succeeded, and he didn't just because on the other side there was a really great young man in company of a real loving person) in the kind of person we can call "someone who deserves love".

What he really deserves is being put six feet under. The girl is the only decent part of his life, but still, he exposed her to the most disgusting violence, because she saw and understood what he did, and she was saddened by it. Very much. She just had to learn quickly how to hide her own father disappointed her. Great job!

Or maybe he's an exemplar father because he turned a little girl in a precocious sadist? No doubt she'll come out like him, he's doing his best in that direction.

And do not forget he caused, with his irresponsible behavior, his entire family's death. They had done nothing, in his own words!, to lead him toward that direction. But, still. He made a minor mistake. Then, the man who killed his family being in love like him as the perfect idiot he was (forgot him already? Yes, he was old and fat but under skin, identical to Rogi) died, too. But he was bad. I mean, anyone who does not fulfill the goal of making the protagonist happy does not deserve to live, right?

Who among you would like to be on the receiving side of this amazing man for more than 5 minutes in real life? Wish all of you a happy Eastern and a long, happy life after that, that means, I hope none of you will ever meet someone like him for real.

    ******@++++ March 29, 2018 10:08 pm

    Your goal is not to insult? Well, you failed miserably.

    Though you have a point, he isn't a saint, and I think Rogi also believes himself to be a rather shitty person, which makes his character rather compelling.

    We also don't know his past, just a couple hints:
    During high school, he would use his body to live away from home.
    He definitely lost his virginity before it was legal.

    As for his character:
    Only gets off on danger.
    He is smart, understanding the economy and tracing stocks is not so easy without internet.
    He has no regard for social status, he treats everyone equally (Authors, Yakuza, Beggars etc.).
    He is lonely, he wants to 'belong'.
    He is also childlike: impulsive, short attention span, disregards himself and others etc.

    As for his future:
    He rapes Tatsuyuki.
    He is still fixated on Akitora, but Aki refuses to meet him.
    Aki's wife is no longer living.
    He is bitter.
    He has a daughter.

    So if people are reading this manga, it's really to understand Rogi and why he raped Tatsuyuki. How did he end up with a daughter? Why does Aki not see him? Why is he so bitter?

    Now, about your claims:

    1. Rogi deserves to be happy: Well, he does. These comments wishing for Rogi's happiness are responding to Young Rogi. When this manga finally reaches the current timeline, when Tatsuyuki is raped, I am sure opinions will change.
    2. Rogi deserves love: According to this timeline, Rogi has never experienced genuine love. And I don't think what he feels for Aki is love either, he is looking for a 'family', someone who would accept him for all his flaws. He thinks he can only find that family with someone who is like him, and Aki is like him. Hence, the dependence on Aki. If Young Rogi did love properly, or feel loved, he might not have committed such a heinous act. Something went wrong and we're still in the process of finding out what happened.
    3. The daughter: She clearly loves Older Rogi. She wasn't exposed to the assault, she only knew Older Rogi was keeping Tatsuyuki, and Tatsuyuki wasn't happy. Kids are perceptive that way. Despite this, the daughter still adores Older Rogi. Clearly, the daughter has seen much worse, and dealt with much worse. Also, Older rogi is scary, but this girl doesn't give a damn. There is more to their story.
    4. Turning the girl into a precocious sadist: She isn't. Don't know where you got that from, but she is a very perceptive child. She is sensitive and caring. It's just that the way she expresses her love isn't direct.
    5. Killed his family: He didn't, the one who did was the Yakuza. Don't try to shift the blame. The Yakuza was a grown-ass man who just abused his power.
    6.The Yakuza died: That ain't Rogi's fault either, that's a Yakuza's life. I did sympathize with the man, he loved Rogi. He just went about it the wrong way and got killed. And it was Aki who killed him, all because he was jealous.

    On a side note: I don't think Older Rogi realizes the cruelty of his actions. I dont think he understands why raping tatsuyuki is heinous. After all, he himself has had his body abused, with or without consent. (i.e. Yakuza, Aki, the bell boy etc). Hence, the cycle of abuse continues. Read up on it, its quite interesting. There's been a lot of debate on how to prosecute such cases.

    As for your final note, I don't think I could stand to be with Rogi. The man is suffering, but he won't admit it. He will frustrate you by avoiding his problems. He will have no qualms about cutting ties, dropping you like a sack of potatoes. You can't be friends with him w/o hurting yourself. And there is not enough information to show that Rogi goes around raping people. That one act was a deliberate act of revenge. And don't misunderstand, I am not excusing him. I still think he is a shitty individual, but he still needs the opportunity to earn his forgiveness.

    eworth March 29, 2018 11:22 pm

    This story elicits strong reactions, doesn't it? But there is a third option where Rogi is concerned, other than hating him or loving him there is understanding him, and I think that's the point of the manga, especially as it follows on from Yondaime Ooyamato Tatsuyuki, where Tatsuyuki's guiding principle in life was that he could not throw anyone away, including Rogi. So Jealousy is Rogi's chance to take that grace that Tatsuyuki extended to him and reevaluate his life. That's what we're reading.

    This is a link to extended thoughts on this topic, written a few chapters ago. I don't know if you're interested in reading it:

    I would add, since I wrote the above before the chapter with Handa killing Rogi's parents, Handa killed Rogi's parents to isolate him, to make sure he had no safe haven to return to and would turn to Handa instead.

    Anonymous March 30, 2018 1:40 am

    Seriously you are either being very contradictory or very wrong. On a number of accounts.

    You claim that we're feeling sad for Rogi yet not for the Yakuza and yet at the same time you claim that Rogi was responsible for his family's death somehow, implying that the Yakuza is more pitiful than he is?

    And just because you love someone does not mean your actions should automatically be forgiven. Strangely, however, this is something, again, that you've already demonstrated, by saying that Rogi should not be forgiven merely because he was in love with Aki. And so, also again, the Yakuza comes out on top. I wonder if it has to do with the fact he isn't a victim, like, AT ALL.

    There is ALSO the fact that Rogi was doing the things he does to get revenge while the Yakuza was merely doing the awful things he did because he was obsessed. I'd take a rapist JERK like Rogi over a rapist JERK like the Yakuza ANY day of the week.

    P.S. Stop victim blaming and maybe you'll finally figure out why we think victims are more pitiful than abusers. Ktbn.

    Anonymous March 30, 2018 1:47 am
    Your goal is not to insult? Well, you failed miserably. Though you have a point, he isn't a saint, and I think Rogi also believes himself to be a rather shitty person, which makes his character rather compellin... ******@++++

    Thank you for this, just one quibble, when it comes to prosecuting cases that involve past abuse, I only think past abuse should make a difference when it comes down to the accuser being a victimizer of the accused.

    pennyinheaven March 30, 2018 1:48 am

    This hate is solely 1 dimensional. What is the point of writing 5 volumes of story if all you have to see the ugliness of a person/character? By your long post, you didn't ask "why?" Rogi was solely judged by his actions but did anyone asked why? Why did he do what he did? It's not to justify and condone his actions but simply know the reasons why.

    Rogi's parents are far away. He has obviously excluded himself from them. He didn't want anything to do with them. It's not like he guided Handa to his parents to be killed. That was all Handa, don't blame Rogi for it.

    pennyinheaven March 30, 2018 1:50 am
    This story elicits strong reactions, doesn't it? But there is a third option where Rogi is concerned, other than hating him or loving him there is understanding him, and I think that's the point of the manga, e... eworth

    I've always wanted to ask who you are at mangago. I already had an inkling this could be you but didn't really pried on. Hi, storyofauke!

    Anonymous March 30, 2018 2:01 am
    This hate is solely 1 dimensional. What is the point of writing 5 volumes of story if all you have to see the ugliness of a person/character? By your long post, you didn't ask "why?" Rogi was solely judged by h... pennyinheaven

    Exactly, penny! This is what I mean when I ask people to stop equating past abuse with current actions. I don't care if someone wants to know WHY someone did something but it very RARELY ends there, someone always has to come up with some kind of excuse for why an abuser did something based on that very same past behavior. You didn't do that. THANK you! :)

    Anonymous March 30, 2018 2:26 am
    This story elicits strong reactions, doesn't it? But there is a third option where Rogi is concerned, other than hating him or loving him there is understanding him, and I think that's the point of the manga, e... eworth

    Oh that was a lovely post, the one here and on Tumblr. 100% agree with it!

    Anonymous March 30, 2018 2:31 am
    This story elicits strong reactions, doesn't it? But there is a third option where Rogi is concerned, other than hating him or loving him there is understanding him, and I think that's the point of the manga, e... eworth

    Also your theory on who Reika is the daughter of, makes total sense. It makes me wonder who Hachi is the son of?

    Anonymous March 30, 2018 4:23 am

    I don’t see why you are even reading this if all you do is condemn a character for his wrongdoings. That is so unhealthy. I seriously think you should just stop readings this, because this manga only makes you so very angry that you can’t stop condemning him for being the crazy and shitty person he is (which he himself knows), and insist of how right you are.
    I don’t mind if you keep at it. I am not saying you’re wrong or anything.
    It’s just not healthy for you, and it makes your heart ugly.

    pennyinheaven March 30, 2018 4:30 am

    @Anon: 99% of the time, people do things out of some reason. Even a psychologically disabled person (psychopath) have reasons to do what they do, even if it's the most mundane and invalid reason they come up with. But even if we know the reasons why, it doesn't mean they are acquitted of killing or raping someone.

    If only imprisonment exists in Yondaime/Jealousy universe, then I am all for Rogi to serve that sentence but it doesn't, instead Tatsuyuki granted him a chance to redeem himself through Reika. Geez, even Rogi handling Hachi was criticized in the OP, when it's been established that Rogi is a Yakuza and that Reika understands this, her three daddies are all related to Yakuza, and she's okay with it, she needs to and is living with it. Is she happy Hachi got hurt? No, she showed compassion but she understood that Rogi as a Yakuza and her father would have to fulfill that role, the role of a protective Yakuza father. Rogi has said he wasn't comfortable and is naive in drowning Hachi.

    Heck, if we analyze the all the characters, they are all simply following and fulfilling a ROLE because this is the world they live in. They have to abide the rules that Yakuza has set them with. This is what Rogi in this long flashback is struggling with, because he doesn't have anywhere to belong to and is desperate to be in one. Also, Asami and Reika should not be pitied, for a cheated wife and a child raised around violence (as the OP says), because they are fully aware of it. They are portraying the norm for women and children in the underworld. They should not be deemed as weak or that phrase "they deserve better".

    eworth March 30, 2018 12:46 pm
    I've always wanted to ask who you are at mangago. I already had an inkling this could be you but didn't really pried on. Hi, storyofauke! pennyinheaven

    Ha! Yeah, I got outed on the Finder page a few weeks back. Hi back!

    FrenzyFujoshi(> <) March 31, 2018 3:02 pm

    Like I said.... WHY WOULD YOU HATE THIS ROGI for things he did in FUTURE? Do you know for sure what will happen to YOU in future? I
    And yes. If you say Rogi raped Tatsuyuki,dont forget Nozomi did it too! Yeah sure, the latter was "consensual" but he was drunk unconscious and fantasised Minori! Rogi's one was "consensual" as well... technically Tatsuyuki volunteered to it, but it actually was rape cause it was done by blackmail...I really really love Nozomi and Tatsuyuki but I just have this thing to clarify, cause protagonist-antagonist portrayal has muddled your brains!

    pennyinheaven March 31, 2018 5:49 pm
    Like I said.... WHY WOULD YOU HATE THIS ROGI for things he did in FUTURE? Do you know for sure what will happen to YOU in future? I And yes. If you say Rogi raped Tatsuyuki,dont forget Nozomi did it too! Yeah s... FrenzyFujoshi(> <)

    Rogi's roughness and violence puts them off and weighs it more than what Nozomi did, just because Tatsuyuki was feeling and cumming hard as Nozomi did him drunk. But fuck they are "the same". I like clear headed people like you because you were able to discern that. You nailed this argument, I swear. No one can argue that they are not the same. Rogi seeing the baby Tatsuyuki and hanging out with the child's parents, who saved him, vs Nozomi who pretty much owed his life to. They are the same, knowing Tatsuyuki from his early, untainted years and indebted to the Ooyamato family yet both took advantage of him.

    bimblefrog April 2, 2018 9:37 pm

    good post - it's definitely food for thought. bummer that some readers won't bother to take a few minutes to read your whole post (I bet some of these comments above are knee-jerk reactions to your first sentences). I think it's cool to read stories that don't have perfect MCs, but that doesn't mean I, as a reader, have to justify the MC's actions or even like him/her to justify me reading the manga. y'know what I mean?
    I'm digging the secondary characters more in this story because tbh mangaka lost me a little bit with Rogi's most recent development (I started to not care about what the MC was up to - which is bad since he's the story's lead), but we'll see what happens in chapters to come. I like Beriko-sensei so I won't bail out just yet!

    bimblefrog April 2, 2018 9:42 pm

    but you know what (and I say this as a person who writes stories too), props to Beriko for creating this character! though he is pathetic, many readers have come to love him. how incredible is that - talk about effective storytelling! :-O

    pennyinheaven April 3, 2018 12:00 am
    good post - it's definitely food for thought. bummer that some readers won't bother to take a few minutes to read your whole post (I bet some of these comments above are knee-jerk reactions to your first senten... bimblefrog

    I read the whole thing.

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