If they do that, they won't be able to collect all the deaths to beat the game and even if they murder the killer he will just keep coming back until everyone is dead and the game restarts.
If they do that, they won't be able to collect all the deaths to beat the game and even if they murder the killer he will just keep coming back until everyone is dead and the game restarts. han han22
I thought when bada dies the game restarts Omayiva
Well technically no cuz doha did keep playing and getting endings after bada died so it restarts after both bada and doha dies or maybe all of them needs to die to restart who knows ( ̄∇ ̄")
Well technically no cuz doha did keep playing and getting endings after bada died so it restarts after both bada and doha dies or maybe all of them needs to die to restart who knows ( ̄∇ ̄") Asuna Dragneel0
I'm sorry which chapter was that? I think I missed :")
honestly, we have no right to complain about the authors anger. I know reading here is illegal and that i put my addiction over the authors rights. blaming her is ridiculous.
she literally doxxed minors and threatened to kill people... NYAW
How did she dox ppl? And I’d threaten to kill too if people were stealing my livelihood. Like these people are struggling cause y’all don’t respect them as artists. They can threaten all they want.
How did she dox ppl? And I’d threaten to kill too if people were stealing my livelihood. Like these people are struggling cause y’all don’t respect them as artists. They can threaten all they want. Nalu
I doesnt matter if you are the Authør, a nun or the President, if you did something wrong, you did something wrong. Doxing minørs (exposing their personal data online for anyone to see) and threatening to kill people it's not something that it's okay to do, it doesn't matter the situation.
I doesnt matter if you are the Authør, a nun or the President, if you did something wrong, you did something wrong. Doxing minørs (exposing their personal data online for anyone to see) and threatening to kil... ㅤㅤㅤㅤ
You say doxing ppl but all she did was posting their FB profiles screenshots? it's still not fair and wrong but it's way too far from what doxxing is
You say doxing ppl but all she did was posting their FB profiles screenshots? it's still not fair and wrong but it's way too far from what doxxing is Shan
It literally had their faces and real names for all we know they could have put their address on fb
whole town meets for dinner- 4 people show up. Alwo why kill the maggots if they're harmless? I wish the worldbuilding was a little more elaborate
I think the truth just has yet to be revealed