whole town meets for dinner- 4 people show up. Alwo why kill the maggots if they're harmless? I wish the worldbuilding was a little more elaborate
I think the truth just has yet to be revealed
Jaekyung a karma behind you
am i the only one? a lot of panels dont load for me
its been like this for a few days :// all we can do is wait for the problem to be fixed ,, but it works perfectly fine for me !!
Mangago is still recovering from its recent incident so it may take a while for the issue with the panels t be resolved
ah ok. it was working for me until today i thought maybe it was my browser glitching
Pleaseeeee fix soon. I'm suffering. .... (/TДT)/ i need this wonderful site.
whole town meets for dinner- 4 people show up. Alwo why kill the maggots if they're harmless? I wish the worldbuilding was a little more elaborate
I think the truth just has yet to be revealed