I'm so excited! I get to go to the gynecologist in the morning AND I get to leave work early! Sorry, I really have no one to tell but my husband and he hates that I get excited over going to the gyno bc I have a crush on my doctor.
you're married and crushing on other men?? and getting excited about your crush? and even telling your husband and annoying him, you slut, where are the stones
Ugh holidays, family, getting criticized for the way you do every single thing! Sorry i dont use microwave or drink sodas. I know you would do this that and this to make the food better. The joy is spreading! I have a mantra I repeat to myself every day, I am at peace.....but now it has changed to Only xx more days, currently Only 15 more days.
Im so excited. I just made a toasted coconut syrup for drinks! I can't wait to use it, it is too late for coffee now but there might be some rum!
I'd share this information with my husband but he is at work. Now, i am off to dig about the liquor cabinet.
It is good, I used unsweetened coconut flakes. Here is the recipe I followed. I didn't add too much sugar because I really wanted the coconut flavor!
Hey y'all, I was just wondering if you could give me some sad manga recommendations. Sad, soul crushing, heart breaking. Thanks
It’s a one shot, and not really shounen ai? It got me so quick bro... 。゚(゚´ω`゚)゚。
Its a yaoi (idk if you’re interested in that genre) but it made me v e r y v e r y v e r y emo, it’s worth a read.
son of a bitch.
that's a good one
ty, i wouldnt know of it if you didnt comment
I found it at random earlier today and I was bawling (;ω;)
My personal favorites that makes me cry. http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/296381/
Thanks, that was good
Thank you. I have read it but years ago, worth the re-read
Thanks, there are some on here I haven't read before, I can't wait to dig in.