Heesu's world revolves around Chanyoung, his best friend and secret crush. He doesn't mind...
- Author: Lily
- Genres: School Life / Shounen Ai / Webtoons
Park Min Gyeom is a human with a disease called hemochromatosis — his blood absor...
- Author: Jade
- Genres: Romance / School Life / Shounen Ai / Webtoons
Choi Kanggo was born with a sensitive nose that can smell through a person's feelings. Bu...
- Author: Lee Man-Se
- Genres: School Life / Shounen Ai / Webtoons
The main character, Seung-hee, looks like an ordinary student, but he is homosexual and likes crossd...
- Author: Bobari , 보바리
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Romance / School Life / Shounen Ai / Webtoons
29 years old - Gay. Job Hunting - Fail. A man who has nothing that even small and medium businesses ...
- Author: Moscareto, Zec
- Genres: Yaoi / Romance / Slice Of Life / Webtoons
Receptioning the newcomers is a task for YuYang, and he ends up helping the unsociable and towering ...
- Author: DJun
- Genres: Shounen Ai / Romance / School Life / Drama / Webtoons
Yuri, one of the school's most handsome guys, and Jaerim, one of the school's ugliest, col...
- Author: Bbong
- Genres: Comedy / Drama / Romance / School Life / Shounen Ai / Webtoons
Every night at 10, Dong-gyun locks himself up in his room, grabs a box of tissues, and watches a liv...
- Author: Mingwa
- Genres: Yaoi / Webtoons / Adult / Comedy / School Life / Slice Of Life / Smut