hello miss/mr. cyzarin (or whoever uploaded the chapter),
pls dont upload/translate over asura scans ! ur very much sniping their project unless they have confirmed with you that they will be dropping this manhwa and have allowed you to take over ! it's already bad enough as we're reading it from here and not their official website. i appreciate you for translating website cleanly but they were the first ones to get their hands on this manhwa. also, chap. 63 just recently released 3 days ago so it's really off-balanced with the weekly uploads

i read this spoiler while scrolling through socmed and it turns out cosette isn't actually the "real" cosette. the real cosette died long ago together with her mother when she was born i think. the cosette we see now is someone possessed
i wont spoil any further now. cosette is an actual victim and the one who's currently possessing cosette's body is the true evil :))

stop uploading chapters from different sites. there's something called patience and we all know that there's already a group scanlating this manhwa that does a much better job at these kind of things. they're literally sniping this manhwa from them without asking for permission and corona kids was already having a problem with other people sniping this project from them that's probably why their uploads are slow
i miss the cute tita too,, give him back </3