Eeepp they’re sooo cuteee! And no, it’s not pedo. Yuu-nii doesnt even have feelings for tsubaki but only tsubaki has feelings for yuu-nii. Yuu-nii takes care of tsubaki like his own brother. And why are you guys still reading this if you dont like it smh

Shota literally is slang for shotacon and is mainly used in shotacon. Your disgusting trying to defend this by reading shit like this basically means you support it escpiaclly if u enjoy it. Stfu and stop trying to say “if u don’t like it then leave” This is a public website I can post/share whatever I want to if u got offended by this then go cry.

Wow. That’s so rude of you for telling someone to go die.... it’s actually the same as other yaoi that young seme develop feelings to his uke uncle. But did the older uke have feelings towards to the child seme? No. Not at all. They maybe end up together at last but that’s when they reach a legal age. Do you think i support pedo? Are you out of your mind? I know what’s right what’s wrong. But in this manga, it’s the child who develop feelings to the ‘older brother’ not vice versa. Pedo means you have feelings or sexual intention towards the child. A CHILD. So does this applies here? Does yuu-nii have feelings towards tsubaki now? Does he?

listen here you snake ass bitch
you are complicit. you read this manga. in fact you read this manga on a fucking illegal site. the fact that you even have an account, spent time customising your bio and pfp, made your own album and have reading lists shows you don’t hold true to your principles. because you feel safe enough to do this much on an illegal site that supposedly hosts ‘pedophilic material’. you realise that being here you are equally liable to being reported to the police for even making an account. on an illegal website. that’s supports it. don’t act like you’re being morally just - that clearly means nothing to you.
you throw around these terms like they’re nothing but they cut deeply for many of us. because you don’t know who is behind the screen. you don’t know what they’ve gone through, you don’t know their reasons for reading whatever content. you. don’t. know.
grow up. learn to communicate like a normal human being. especially so bc you apparently care more for the safety of fictional characters, things that don’t even exist, whilst wishing harm on a real, breathing, living person in the same breath. stop being a cunt, go outside. ive said this before but this seems to be a common denominator with folk like you - hypocrisy.
i suggest you reflect on the way the influence you have on other people, because it seems to me that you are liable to actual crimes: slander, and coercion to suicide. you are a danger to society because people like you hurt real people
Yeayyy season 3! ε=ε=(ノ≧∇≦)ノ