I need to know what his voice sounds like to have this type of power over people, but at the same time I feel like any voice they give, if this ever gets a drama cd or whatever, will never live up to the expectations I have now lol

what i imagine his voice to be is like this guys https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=scTqpfL9WMA the first few lines anyhow ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

I honestly didnt take it as Inukai saying he sees Yuto as a woman or as nothing lol obviously he knows he's a man, but the brother did say Inukai could have any man he wants and I think that was in response to that. We can assume that Inukai and Yuto both havent been with men or expressed attraction to men besides each other and in Inukai's case I think he is simply saying that being with Yuto and falling in love with him had nothing to do with his gender, so to the brother, no, he cant just go and have any man he wants cause he isnt necessarily attracted to men. He's attracted to Yuto. Also there are more sexualities than just gay, straight, bi. Inukai could probably be pan, i.e he falls for the person and its not because of their gender or gender identity.

I get that Soohan hasnt really been all loud and clear about liking Jiho, but the fact that Jiho was willing to take the recordings of his asshole ex as fact and completely shut out listening to Soohan kinda pissed me off LMAO. Like how do u get mad that Soohan met ur ex when u did the same thing, got kissed, and kept quiet about it....then u dont even bother listening to what he has to say. I already knew Jiho was insecure, but this was peak insecurity. It kinda gets tiring when Soohan keeps getting treated like he has some kind of mastermind plan to ruin Jiho's life when thats not the case. Jiho is just projecting his hurt/ trauma from his ex onto Soohan and until he settles that part of himself, he shouldnt really be worried about a relationship. Soohan also needs to work on communicating his feelings better with words cause with Jiho, actions arent enough

I get that he's not in love with DG or whatever, but omg this dude is a dick for literally no reason. I have read my share of rape-tropped yaoi but idk, this manhwa is just not it cause i can never see them having a healthy relationship where Alex actually acknowledges he's a dick and apologizes for the shit he does. At this point it would seem out of character for him if he wasnt an asshole. DG move on

It's so weird that some of y'all hate Soohan. He can read minds, but he's not a problem solver. All his life, he's been able to read the minds of the people who have feelings for him and he, himself, has never been in a relationship because of it. This is his first relationship and to be quite honest, if he didnt know how to read Jiho's mind, think of all the misunderstanding and break ups we would have by now. His character is a breath of fresh air. Jiho also needs to work on his communication skills cause he's also very passive. A relationship works both ways and if there are thing Soohan did to hurt his feelings, he needs to communicate that. Soohan probably likes Jiho because why would he bother doing all these things for him just to kill time??? His character isnt even like that, so idk I feel like yall are being a lil harsh. Now the EX, he looks like he's gonna be here to cause some problems, so im even more thankful Soohan is able to read Jiho's mind

I don't hate him, but I do find it really annoying that even the readers can't tell if Soohan is really into Jiho or not. Sure he gets possessive and whatnot, but it seems like asking Jiho out was something he did on a whim. Like Jiho said, he's never directly told Jiho if he likes him or not. It's not like we're expecting Soohan to declare his everlasting love, but you'd think step one would be to at least let your partner know that you have some kind of interest in him. Even you said he "probably likes Jiho." It might be very likely, but the fact that no one knows his motives towards Jiho is really sad for Jiho. I like that he has character flaws because that's what makes a story interesting. That doesn't mean I can't find a character annoying for their flaws from time to time.

thx, I's confused too. After reading the 1st few comments I was waiting for an unlikeable asshole who ppl said 'cut his d.ck off'. (⊙…⊙ )
But I got a completely different vibe from him, Soohon likes Jiho a lot IMHO. He finds him cute & interesting, heck I'd be more suspicious if he'd be declaring his undying love now... Not to forgot it's his 1st relationship, when i reminiscine back about mine they're on a good way... *lol* He even declared him straightforward his boyfriend to the creepy ex...

You can find him annoying, but nothing about his intentions screams bad guy, so im lost. There is definitely a high chance that he asked Jiho out on a whim, I dont even doubt that and im sure even he is still trying to process his feelings. All im saying is that it's weird to shit on Soohan when at the same time Jiho, besides the one time he asked if Soohan liked him, is always so passive. He needs to put his foot down and let Soohan know how he feels. The only reason Soohan ever knows something is wrong is bc he reads and catches glimpses of Jiho's thoughts and thats a lil ridic for a relationship. Like we literally know nothing about Soohan besides the little moments we've gotten to see his own thoughts, but its very clear he finds Jiho cute and has come attraction to him.

People have different morals. It might not seem bad to you, but playing with people and asking people out on a whim isn't really okay for other people. Also, just because a person finds someone else cute doesn't mean they're romantically attracted to that person. Idk it seems a little victim blamming to say Jiho should have been more assertive especially because he's been through a lot. He's gonna have doubts. I know people exaggerate about how they feel about certain characters, but it's a bit meh when people try to make a character look better by pushing their issues into someone else. So I'd say people have their misgivings about Soohan for good reasons maybe that'll change as we know more about him. In the end, Jiho's passiveness and The very little amount of knowledge we have on Soohan is what makes this webtoon enjoyable and angst.

Do u really think soohan is playing w/ ppl? I'm really curious, bc that's also what other ppl said that Jiho is only one for his collection? Was there ever one? At least I haven't seen it.
I saw blooming feeling on soohan's side, even when it wasn't clearly stated in his pov (he's a teaser too, just to mention it). That's the vibe I got.
How does relationships start irl? U find someone cute, interesting, want to spend more time w/ them, develop feelings, are attracted to them etc.... I've NEVER heard from a confession like in SA mangas/manhuas. Is this a jap/kor REAL LIFE thing??? Do young ppl nowadays do this?? Where I'm from nobody does this, maybe after spending some time together you'll get asked if u want to be a couple or whatever.... It takes so much courage to tell someone u like them upfront like in mangaconfesisions w/ a possible outcome of rejection, moreso when u're a teenager!!!! But not to forget that's all fiction, so I'm really curious if this happens irl too.....
What jiho was through w/ that dumb ex, him being passive and cautious is understandable. Even if he can't really hide physically how he likes soohon very much not to mention that soohon can read his 'heart'. But that's sth only we the readers know... :-D
Let's see where it gets from here, for me at least soohon is not such a 'bad guy' as other ppl see him. Heck, him reading 'hearts' of ppl who like him couldn't be as funny for him like it seems. (⌒▽⌒)
PS: I'm always amazed when ppl take mangas & convert them 1:1 to rl. It's a work of fiction and some authors really have a wild imagination.... *lol*

But Soohan isn't playing with Jiho, like im so confused where people are getting that from. Asking someone out on a whim =/= playing with someone. Sometimes you genuinely do find someone interesting and think maybe a relationship can work, but in Soohan's case we dont know that bc we havent been able to delve into his mind. However from everything we've seen in these 14 chapters, we know Soohan isnt a player. Im not trying to blame Jiho, but in general his character is very passive. He doesnt even tell his own best friend how he really feels half the time, so yes he's been through a lot, but the passivity is his character, its part of who he is. Anywhoo they are still in the early stages of their relationship so of course they need more time to build trust and what not, so lets just wait and see how things play out
Even though both of them are attracted to Go Yo's voice, the biggest difference between the both of them is that Soo hwa never forced himself on Go Yo. Soo hwa was honest about his attraction to Go Yo's voice. Before and after knowing the truth, Go Yo initiated all the sexual interactions they had and it was all mutual and consensual. Byung, on the other hand, is a creep. Like he does not care for consent at all and just wants to get off with Go Yo's voice....
Also omg, I re-read this and at the end of CH. 7, after Go Yo finishes giving Soo hwa a handjob, he thinks to himself "I was a little surprised, but I wasnt scared" and I didnt notice it before. Do yall think its cause of his experience with Byung or maybe something else???