Romona my dear you stand no chance.

She didn't try take any chances. She's just a friend & a good person. Just cause she likes him doesn't mean that's all her definition. It says a lot about how women tend to tear each other down more than build themselves up, because whenever there's another woman that comes into the story, instead of hoping that they can become friends and help each other out, you guys just hope that they'll beat each other up and tear each other down. You're like putting her down saying yeah you don't have a chance, instead of saying wow this is a good character who cares about the people and I hope that they end up being friends and she finds someone special or, she accomplishes her goals. It's always like, gee I hope these women have a cat fight. Tells you a lot about how the state of women

Wow, this rant was unnecessary to the first comment. The original story was that Ramona and Perez would end up together. Stating she doesn't have a chance, is a fact, not "putting her down". While she has feelings for Perez, he loves Florentia. So, there is nothing wrong with making that statement.
Both women can become friends, not like either showed any hostility to the other. But the story is not about Ramona finding love, while it would be nice for her to find someone else, in a side story like some creators would do, but it's not necessary towards the progression of this story.
I get that you are about women empowerment, but let's not bring 'outside' into this wonderful story. Okay! Let's all enjoy. ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Of course it sounds personal. Because it seems that, if it was a guy talking to her like this, you'd all be like, I'll bet he'll fall in love with her or be her friend. But if it's a woman? People tear her down because she's just a woman who happens to like the same guy. What if it was a guy who happens to like the same guy as her? You guys would still want them to be friends, right? Because what's their goal in the end, what is it that they mainly want to happen? She wants to be a matriarch for her family and the other girl wants to be able to be in a position where she can make a difference. Why dog on her when she hasn't done anything else. Why is her good actions, her intelligence and her character disregarded because of a guy? Yes it's personal because I see this with every female character out there. Especially from men. Because men have written and produced films and books that said, women can't get along with each other. Either one woman is the boss of everyone else, but they can't be equal to the other women. While you see in groups of men, they can be comrades and friends and just chill out with each other and I'll be on the same level. But it's never the same for women

Why is it RIGHT? Why shouldn't it be personal? Maybe I'm getting tired of PEOPLE automatically disliking a female character for challenging the protagonist because it promotes a hostile attitude towards women in positions of competition or authority. This mindset can spill over into real-world interactions, discouraging supportive and inclusive behavior among women.
You have a female character that has done every correct action and fortitude to be the good guy but because she's a rival, people are dogging on her. They can't just hope that they can become friends. You see people trying to Fan the Flames of tension instead of hoping for solidarity.
Emphasizing rivalry over friendship limits the range of stories that can be told. Friendships offer opportunities for exploring themes of loyalty, trust, and personal growth. They can provide moments of joy, humor, and emotional depth that rivalries often lack. It's my constructive criticism on why female characters will always be written off instead of taking seriously. Gone are the days of when you would watch Pride and Prejudice and see characters created in the same level as Elizabeth Bennett. Instead you're just all hoping that there be a cat fight. This is a beautiful written story, but to disregard a woman because she happens to secretly like the same guy, as if that side emotion, dominates the rest of her character.

Was it? The trope of women as perpetual rivals is rooted in outdated gender norms that pit women against each other for limited resources, such as romantic attention or professional success. Why is the modern narratives should reflect the progress society has made towards gender equality, highlighting cooperation and mutual success seem like an alien concept? Why that statement? Huh? Was that supposed to talk about how Ramona doesn't have a chance in a man's world then? Because I doubt that's what they were commenting on. That Ramona has no chance in gaining any position or power in a male dominated Society. Is that it? No I don't think that's what the comment was about

OP didn’t even say she didn’t like Ramona, in terms of Perez’s affection she doesn’t stand a chance. There isn’t enough words in the comment to justify this rant you’re going on. You’re reaching for justification over a comment that’s less than a hundred words. It’s fine to talk about misogyny and the problematic behaviors/tropes found in media but the comment you chose wasn’t the appropriate comment to latch onto. Assumptions make an ass out of everyone, so stop assuming peoples intentions.

bruh. they talked about how ramona didn't stand a chance when it came to Perez's affections since Tia and Perez are confirmed to be endgame. This is a fact according to the novel.
If you're using such a lighthearted comment to go on a long rant like this, maybe you should seep help for underlying issues. Nobody thought the comment was about Ramona and Tia catfighting or some other bullshit story you're cooking up. jfc

You need to keep this on IG or something. Are you clairvoyant or something? How do you know what other ppl meant? Why can't you take what ppl say and leave it there? Always looking for a hidden meaning.
FYI. I'm a girl too, and yes you are very much reaching on this post! And it would be the same if Ramona was a guy. Not everyone things like you, not everything has a hidden meaning. You need to take a break from SM and stop letting it control your thoughts, making you see sexist remarks in everything. This was not the post to go off on a dark feminist rant. Please remember this is a fictional story with an already established outcome! Just enjoy the story and breathe. It is not that deep! fyi. I'm not reading all that.

IG is run by Facebook... that toxic cesspool blocks comments about Isreal & Palestine. You can't debate at all there without that SPAM come up or even talk about how American politicians are trying to bully and buy out Tiktok. It's a mess there. Why bother discussing anything? Don't even mention X. That place has so many incels bagging on Meghan Markle or Trump bots spamming everything. If there's any crime, you have crazy Turf Karen's trying to spread h8 on Transwomen. So no thanks.

Calm down hun. Don't take life too seriously- much less, comments on the internet. Pretty sure OP didn't mean ANY of what you accused them of.
Life is shitty enough as it is, and idk, do you want to make it shittier?
You're arguing with strangers about a FICTIONAL woman you've known for maybe two chapters and you're actually upsetting REAL people in the process...
Maybe they are going through a tough time in their life, or maybe you are, and all you've managed to do is making things a little shittier for yourself and them. So from one girl to another, I know you can do better. Because you seem compassionate.
Peace out.

Holy hell, this was such a good read.
That escalated quick lol
you prolly found the title from fb like i did lol
Lol right I'm like oh they're not actually married yet and he was so cute when they first met so this will be a wholesome series-nope, that's porn.
Yep lol
right there with you