The comment section really echos my feelings. This was alot of peoples first intro to this genre. And for me it holds a special place in my heart .It's been over 10 years since I started reading this manga. The manga /manhwa world is so different now. We are all waiting for Ritsu to confess . I still look at the xxxx days till Ritsu is completely in love portion of the manga. One day we will see Ritsu is completely in love.

I really liked the beginning of the story, the reintroduce of Juhee felt rushed and didn't gel very well with the progression of the story. Muwen mixed feelings rubbed me the wrong way. And Wuyi was willing to be a stand in but immediately regretted it when Juhee reappeared and acted like it wasn't expected. The beginning of the story was good and I liked the art style. I think the story was a bit rushed in the end Juhee who was such a big part of the story had very little impact when he made his appearance. Reasons of why he left and didn't contact Muwen were vague and he didn't even really apologise or gave a oriper explanationforchis 3 year disappearence. The relatives who was so against the relationship just decided it was now okay and it just felt like a plot twist was thrown in to de-rail the happy love story,so much happened inbthe soace of 10 chapters. I did enjoy it though and looking forward to more of the authors work hopefully with a more developed storyline
Omg thanks for the update. Ended on a cliffhanger I cant wait for the next chapter