I would have loved it more if the Seme had taken revenge by ruining and usurping uke's empire. Those people ruined his country to shreds but he doesn't feel hatred for them at all especially towards uke who burned down his spirit guardian tree which was essential to maintain his sanity while using magic. It was cute of him being puppy sometimes but how could he love uke so easily... I don't mean he can't love him but atleast not so easily...be a little ambitious to obtain power...you were royalty once...and the side character who was so obsessed with uke ..don't know his name but was his only desire was just being uke's Capri..what nonsense...considering he was a great warrior himself ....and my biggest turnoff was in the end seme accepted being uke's Capri...wtf ask to be his lover or partner man...and why did he not want to be called by his real name to the end..nobody likes that...u were prince once.
I would have liked it more if seme took over his country.