im sorry but the new update needs to go, everyone could easily upload a chapter if they want to. I've seen people uploading a chapter over the original uploader and i dont think thats a good thing, no? but idrk, what do yall think?
it makes perfect sense, you're just not getting it. Uploaders have schedules when they upload, and usually have contact with other uploaders to discuss who's uploading what, so no one overlaps each other. the new people that are uploading over the original uploaders, are doing it because they don't know there's an upload schedule, and that one team has already focused on it, due to them never uploading before this new feature.
i get ur point but on a manhwa ive been reading, the original uploader have been saying to not upload over them, that warning is on every chapter they uploaded. When i checked the manhwa, there was a new chapter uploaded and it was just a repost of the chapter before it. The person who sniped over them even commented saying "Just uploaded this new chapter guys! Enjoy." and when i pointed it out asking them if the orignal uploader dropped it, they deleted the comment