Is it me or did the art changed a bit? Like they got butch or smt...
Is that even the word used here? Nevermind me...

No, it didn't. I can understand why you'd think that though. It's just the subtle difference the artist gave them from when they were children to now as adults. They are slightly thicker (like neck, shoulders), the eyes slightly smaller. Subtle things like that can seem like a huge change overall, but it's just age progression. And really well done, too!

Right, I didn't mean that they look macho or something like that, in fact I love how soft their faces and expression are, they do look a bit thicker though.
But I compared panels and it is a very subtle difference.
Their faces got a bit broader and shorter I think, but they are still lovely.

Oh, I wasn't trying to be mean or anything! I was just saying that the overall art style didn't change. But I do agree that the subtle difference is still a difference. The artist has a lot of skill to pull that subtleness off in full color without making them look completely different. It's very nice to see change like this. Most are so drastic or just a changing of the eye size that it changes the whole feel of the character. I really enjoyed this maturing they did. It works so well.

I know right! I love when the artist get better and their art grows and evolve and we can see that through the chapters.
Sometimes is about the style and what's on trend and they are so good that they can take that challenge, ufff
And then there are those like me who binge read and whoops we get slapped with some great moments... yeah, something like that lol.
Don't worry about seeming mean or rude, I understood what you meant and there's the language barrier and nuances... people ought to be patient with each other, yikes I need people to be patient with me alrighty.

Hahaha. Agreed all around. I read every day amidst whatever else I'm doing. It's a shame that a lot of people can't be civil with one another when they disagree. Makes for a pointless conversation.
I don't know if I would say the art changed or grew or became more refined, as some do. I think it was purposeful this time around, which adds to my love for this artist. But I do love when a style just gets better and better. Oh! You know what I don't like? When you start off with an uke who looks like a sportt character and then by the middle of the story he looks like a cute little animal. I hate that! Liveta just did that and it seriously made me so mad. They took a hiatus and all of the sudden cam back with a completely different style for the characters. The uke literally shrunk a foot and looks like a chipmunk instead of the tall, snake-ish image he had before. Ugh. Sometimes artists go backwards instead of forwards.

True that, it does happen and you can't chalk it out to character development. Really, sometimes it's not necessary that feminization of the uke (for lack of a better word). It tends to be to put the seme on a more dominant light, I think.
Buuuut what irks me the most is kids 10-12 years old draw as tall as a four year old... I cannot, it's a me thing.

Haha. For real. I completely agree. It also bothers me when they make someone in their 30s look like they're 50. I'm in my 30s and I still get confused for a teen or a 20 year old. Flattering, but annoying.
"Feminization" is a very good word for that. I'll have to remember that one. I don't get why they do that. . Even for dominance showing or distinguishing roles, it's misplaced and unnecessary. I mean, I don't want to read bara, but I also don't want every uke out there to look like they just graduated middle school and started taking estrogen.

Well I'm in my 30s too and I get treated as if I were 50, so not cool, I mean my back does hurt sometimes and I have three or four grey hairs but that's it, I'm as fit as a fiddle. I give a really stern image I think...
Still, I'll read manga until the day I die, so my heart is pretty young if you ask me. I swoon over a well written high school love story haha.

Woo, 30s club! I have gray hair at my temples but I've been dying my hair for forever and I have bangs, so they stay hidden for the most part. I swear, though, once I hit 30, it was like my body self-destructed. I've had 4 surgeries, been diagnosed with multiple diseases on top of my hormone malfunctions I already had, and gained weight because I can't exercise due to said diseases. Currently. Hoping that changes soon though.
But, yup. I've been reading manga since before the internet was a thing for it. Gonna keep doing it. I remember when they only sold manga at Borders or exclusive bookstores. . . What was your first manga? Mine was Marmalade Boy. (▰˘◡˘▰)

My first manga was Yamato Nadeshiko Shichi Henge or something like that, I was seventeen then but I been watching anime since I was four. Before that I didn't even know manga existed. Internet had to be a thing over here to have access to manga, and I had to learn English in order to read a few mangas. How more old can I get? Lol
Uh, when every teenager was going out and in relationships I was watching Card Captor Sakura and Ben10
Really, I wish good health, I hope everything goes well from here on. Must be hard but you seem like a bright and down to earth person, I'm sure you'll get better in no time.

English isn't your first language? You do a great job making it seem so! Manga on the internet wasn't a thing until our teens, for sure. Before then, it was impossible to find any. I watched anime, too as a child. I think Prince of Tennis was the first anime I watched. The Sailor Moon (the original) and Inuyasha on Toonami were my faves. I also remember when Princess Mononoke came out and watched that all the time. I was such a Card Captor fan. I had a Clow book and a little wand. I watched that show religiously. I really dislike the revised version they did where they just changed the voice actors. The original was so much better. Can't find that one anywhere though. Thankfully, my hubby has it burned on CDs. Lol.
Oh thank you. You seem really fun and chill. My med problems are just whatever. They suck, but what can you do? One step at a time, Right? Things could be worse. Got to roll with the punches. I wish you the best! Thanks for talking with me.
Is there a definition in the psycology dictionary to Jihwan sickness-personality?
I don't think he's a psycopath at least not just that. There has to be something else ...
In regards to a personality disorder?
In the DSM-V it could come under a Cluster B disorder, like traits of ASPD or BPD. I don't think he completely fits the criteria for either diagnostic tho. So not 100% sure. I don't think he fits any traits of HPD or NPD but I could be wrong
Could be some of those coming together. Now I wonder if the author is just going with the flow or actually studying.
I like the story a lot although I'm not really comfortable with Jiwhan behavior. It's pretty interersting if this is what the author is going for.