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ascherries's topics ( All 149 )

ascherries May 4, 2024 12:12 am

Is there a definition in the psycology dictionary to Jihwan sickness-personality?
I don't think he's a psycopath at least not just that. There has to be something else ...

    valérie May 4, 2024 12:25 am

    In regards to a personality disorder?
    In the DSM-V it could come under a Cluster B disorder, like traits of ASPD or BPD. I don't think he completely fits the criteria for either diagnostic tho. So not 100% sure. I don't think he fits any traits of HPD or NPD but I could be wrong

    ascherries May 4, 2024 1:58 am

    Could be some of those coming together. Now I wonder if the author is just going with the flow or actually studying.
    I like the story a lot although I'm not really comfortable with Jiwhan behavior. It's pretty interersting if this is what the author is going for.

ascherries March 23, 2024 2:15 am

It's been a while since I've been so invested in a story
Like I am right now with this one. Can't be helped I think, they are such well written characters even thought we haven't gone in deep yet. I expect we do.
This has so much potential... I totally love them.

ascherries's questions ( All 6 )

ascherries August 20, 2019 8:25 pm

Hum, I exactly don't know why, but nowadays I have this huuuuge craving for fluffy, slow burn stories. Characters slowly developing feeling and exploring and understanding each other... More than anything I want Flufffff
Sasaki and Miyano is a perfect example!!

Who's with me??

WHO HAS RECS?? (pretty please<3)

Also those moments when they feel like they can't control themselves and want to touch... the desire and longing............. where's my air supply??

ascherries June 7, 2019 1:27 am

Help! I've been searching for three mangas for more than a month with no results...
1. fashion designer employs a young beautiful guy who starts living with him after a almost one night stand.
2. a couple that fall asleep with the seme thing... inside the uke and they finish the deed the next morning (in fact is a more romantic scene than a hot one)
3. it's a student x student, I only remember the final chapter... they go swimsuit shopping and then to the beach with two male friends, when in the sea they do it on a rock and are seen by some other couple, it finish with one of their friend jerking off to an AV. it's about 6 or 7 chapters.

I hope I get to know what mangas are those ><
Thank you all kind people

ascherries's favorite ( All 75 )

Absolute porn 04-24 21:20
dalem (i can feel the pressure) 04-22 04:58
ThreeSome 01-21 04:20
Threesome / group sex 08-24 14:47
Pisssss 💦 08-01 15:22

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