Thank God that lil shit of a prince is usin his brains now lol not like b4 but I still won’t accept u as a ml u fuckin son of a bitch after all those hard time u gave her fuck u!!!

Same. They could have been the end game, but since it rely on the "I never got over my feelings for you despite everyting when I have no reason to love you in the first place" it is an out. At least let's hope that manhwa Tia will be better than the novel Tia. FL crying all the time (seriously, it could be a drinking game, she cries all the time in the end) are horrible.

That the author made her a neurotic. She is 30 years old of mental age but cry four times by chapters at the end of the story. Some time it is indeed justified, but certainly not all the time. You also need to remerber that it is the same woman that could endure the most atrocious abuse without loosing her poker face and that she is older now... This is not a realistic character development. She is not the same person at all...

By that, you should also consider how she was isolating everyone around her, so having no feeling of wanting to cry out her sadness was something normal. While in this time line she got many, many people on her side and she could express her feelings more freely. A cry or two is normal, she’s not crying “all” the time lol I feel bad for her if she didn’t cry like the last life time too. It’s not normal to not cry just because your mental age is older than other lol. You cry when you feel sad and there’s someone on your side to comfort you which made life enjoyable. Also, I don’t know what you expecting her to do when she’s sad. ( ̄∇ ̄")

Not at 30 years old, it is not normal to cry that much. I do give her leverage, like for the day she was executed on the First timeline. However, she was not presented as the type of heroine to cry because her husband had an uneasy look. She was supposed and sold has being composed and rational, not a crybaby. For the "crying all the time", someone should really count the number of time of the end of the novel. It is also very unrealistic that the Emperial family is expected To be cold and not showing émotion but when it come to Tia suddenly she is in the wrong for acting like she is supposed To and had been tought To for a reason. Victim blaming much? Come on, even in novel univers Ruve had to ask Her to mind her position more and cry less in front of the servants.

This is a bit personal, but my mother is 50 years old and she also cried when she felt frustrated and sadness. While Tia on the other hand had live her second life and could be said around 50 to 60 years old, but strong front gave birth to weak heart. What I mean is, she’s the type of person who would act strong but sensitive to many things. I didn’t read the novel, but minding her position and cry less is what she should be something she has to have in her as the future empress. You also know she was taught to be an empress from birth, yeah? But having to act strong doesn’t mean she doesn’t have sadness to vent. How could you expect her to not cry after coming back to her early age. As a kid and she knows it herself that she now has people on her side all the time to support her.
Her last life was miserable to the extreme, and she doesn’t know how to express her feelings while now she could express it, why are you discriminated against her character? Because I think this should be how a character should develop. From expressionless and strong front, to someone who could express herself and fight against fate. Also, someone who can express themselves properly are strong mentally.(⌒▽⌒)

It is the difference between being emotionnally expressive and emotional maturity. If she was supposed to be at her core emotionally expressive she would never had endured the abuse with a poker face. Her character développent could have been to be more gentle and open to others, indeed, but to become someone unable to controle Her émotions at all? Come on, this is not who she was. Everyone praised her for her composure for a reason. It is the result of efforts and education. It is a different case than your mother because, if not mistaken, your mother does not cry all time and without reason. Would she cry after opening a letter you adressed to her because you entered the room and had an uneasy look? Granted, it can be a question of personal taste. I liked First Tia way more than super emotional second Tia (the one that appear at the end of the novel, mind you). It also made me feel like she was being blamed for what happened To her in the First timeline (Well, one of a reason I felt that way).

The point I want to say is, it’s a development. I don’t know if it’s bad in your eyes but to me, in a story if the character does not develop her personality then it’s no thrill to read. All obstacle and happiness she get are all to develop her as a person for the better or worse it’s what made a person because no one should stay the same forever. I would say my mom said when she was small she always work hard in order to be alive (she was born a little before ww2, so...) anyway, after working her hardest and finally have money like today along with family, she want to relax more, you know what I mean? It’s like after you tired, you want to drink water and sit down for a moment. It’s what made us human, you cannot be working hard all your life. The same apply on Tia. She can’t act strong and control it all her life and through the interaction and thing happened in this second life of hers, she developed to this kind of person and it’s not like she broke down without a reason. If she didn’t broke down/cried, I would have curse the prince even more because it’s frustrating ( ̄へ ̄)
Jaekyung or whatever his name is looks like a big black horse period
Big black horse is crazyyy
Your frustration is showing. This joke is already old girl.
i see you responding to everyone, calm down girl, we get it! you like this boring story
I dislike their personalities honestly but I'm already invested and yeah I'm also bored, wanna talk to people. Boring story? And you're the one who still comes back every time an update drops lol. Lying ain't good fam.
i can still read something i don't like, and its not i like i lose anything except for time. the chapters are so shorter now that it takes two minutes to read it.