The most recent chapter is about farm village with foreigners (you see where I’m headed with this) and they’re black number one, there noses are super pronounced as a way to “differentiate” from the Koreans (wtf?) and one of the bully’s is black (ofc a black guy is a villain, playing into caricatures, they make mention of him being Ethiopian like that adds anything??) the TRPA gets involved and the teacher is from East Harlem (I’m literally from Brooklyn, dub Harlem tf) he uses racism as a way to combat racism by 1. Calling black people, blacks/blackies 2. Calls him a fxcking nxxxx. That was the worst thing I’ve ever read in my entire life whoever proof read that and the author as well. Like why did we have to villain the black guy just to get a point of r@cism across??? We could’ve used colorism and talk about SA vs EA discourse but come on now… so many other things

oh yeah FOR SURE. Especially since Korea is such a radical conservative country, pushing the white savior complex with blue eye blonde hair half European fxck. Like ok Asians go through racism, but it’s SOOOO prevalent with white people since THEY STARTED IT FIRST???? But colorism is wicked that anyone pale is more attractive and pure than something darker. Never thought I’d see a minstrel caricature in broad daylight on a manhwa I’m reading on mangago. Knee slapper

There's another story that's a japanese manga where one of the characters use black face to commit a mass shooting. it's also a pretty well known manga too and it's on this site. A lot of this stuff isn't even really hidden. I see it pretty frequently. Maybe not in bl or other romance genres, but in the shounen/seinen genres (and maybe other ones but I'm not too sure) it's actually pretty common. Same with homophobia, and that counts even for yaoi
It's messed up lol

Seeing my past messages and comments makes me want to barf because what was I on? I’ve matured so much from younger me that I’d hit myself with a jackhammer tbh if I went back in time. Anyways how was you’re guys days and what not? Mine has been pretty good <3

Oh yeah, same here. I don't know why I acted the way I did a few years back. It's the main reason I cut ties with any people I've known that weren't my close family.
Thankfully I don't post much on social media.
I've also heard in some lecture that your personality changes every 7 years, and I do kinda see that pattern with mine.
Am I bugging or is mangago not working or loading properly like the site is bugging or sum shit
It's doing the same for me, it makes me big sad
I’m depressed, not to go against one of my favorite phrases but I like to judge the books by it’s cover and I can’t see them, so annoying ;;;;
It's disaster the website is not working and loading properly
I've been refreshing my wifi because I thought my internet connection was the problem. Now I understand that we are all experiencing page and cover loading problems.
Now it's ok