Nah, bottom needs to stop overstepping and tell top what’s going on. This involves top and their baby after all. Hopefully next chpt he does just that but if he doesn’t and even lets that arse blackmail him then I fully support top getting angry when he finds out.
I’m gonna need next chpt to start w MC beating sense into ML! Screw this.
MC is going to be really messed up when this is all over
Will this finally be over next chpt? I sure hope so!
I wish the novel was translated. Not sure what happened w the adaptation but the pacing got rushed and considering the novel has 5 vols I shudder to think about how much was dropped, merged, and changed in the webcomic. What a waste.
I remember the first time I read TG. It was during the game with the questions and coin, my heart was pounding so hard, I’d never felt such anxiety before lol. (did we ever find out who caused them to lose money?) It feels strange that this series is finally over. So many twists and turns, so many disappointing characters, but by the end the friends step up and become true friends. My feeling towards Yuichi are mostly awe and pity, that kid never had a chance but he kept going despite being broken and managed to carve out a good life for himself before the game began. Somehow Kei came out of this looking real good lol, what a welcome addition to the story. When I think the swindler almost succeeded but made some huge mistakes in left wanting to sigh. The human heart is complicated, especially a child’s. Glad this is finally over!
Not sure what the dad’s (?) playing at. Why send pics and dna test to him? Unless the person who took the pics etc did that on their own?
MC needs to take this mofo seriously. Stop assuming everything he says is jokes. Man was serious when he said he loved you and he’s definitely serious about murdering pple.
I feel like the smex scene didn’t live up to the build up.
Warning, warning, bad end alert. Choose your next words wisely or bad end will be immanent.
This slow build up of misunderstandings is really effective. Like if I didn’t know what was going on I’d be suspicious too, and some of it’s so small it feels weird to even bring up as a big deal. But mostly ML needs to say something instead of being so internal all the time. I know it’s hard but communicating is how relationships succeed.
I’m not sure the friend is actually interest in MC. Like it’s been chpts of tension and ML being jealous but so far friend hasn’t shown any romantic feelings towards MC. Could be jealousy over his friend being taken away? Could be I’m delusion? Who’s to say except the author lol.
I’ve been expecting ML to hypnotize sunbae to be with that random dude shown in season 1 that I can’t remember anything about since that dude showed up lol. Now that sunbae’s showing potential interest in MC I feel confident this will happen.
I always assumed he’d end up with the stalker but man the ex just won’t leave the story lol. Like dude just keeps showing up.
I kind of wish the MC had gotten a chance to be alone. Felix did a number on her and she didn’t get to heal before Lucas came and overwhelmed her. I constantly picture her floating in the ocean with Lucas storming all over her throwing her this way and that. Just don’t drown her bro!