Critic July 26, 2018 6:26 am

i just cant take that kind of reveal seriously
like i already knew he was gonna be the "pls fuck right off of this story" character but

he introduces himself and *BIBBITY BAM* now he has eyes

i snorted my water, it was so involuntarily hilarious to me

i dont even know how to properly explain why it got me
i dont even know if i know why it got me
i hope this makes at least .2% sense

    ApolloAresZues July 26, 2018 6:46 am

    The way you explained it took all the tension outta that scene and made it into smth hilarious. Lmao i cant even be worried anymore cause now it just seems funny as hell

    Critic July 26, 2018 5:38 pm
    The way you explained it took all the tension outta that scene and made it into smth hilarious. Lmao i cant even be worried anymore cause now it just seems funny as hell ApolloAresZues

    oh thank goodness someone understands lmao
    i saw all the serious comments and realized i was laughing wayyyy too hard

Critic July 25, 2018 12:31 am

mamori: im not into wee babies
wee baby: okay but like what it u were
mamori: u make a convincing argument, let us sex
wee baby: lemme sleep here too okay
mamori: alright just dont get uppity
wee baby: *gets uppity*
mamori: you make a convincing argument, let us sex

Critic July 23, 2018 12:07 am

Goddamn homeboy just did a full 180. Like everyone's shitting on him in the comments and I feel y'all, but are we not gonna acknowledge that *that's* what gave mc a "badump" moment?

Like I can't even be mad yet, I'm laughing too hard. Someone comes into your home after inconveniencing your family and then drags you, literally roasts you, and you're like, "ah, the moment I fell in love..."

I'm fucking deceased lmao
I think I'll read on more chapter of this before I decide whether to stick with it but omg that was hilarious

Critic July 19, 2018 4:31 pm

for a character to smart we don't even need to see them come to the right conclusions

he just picks up the book, looks at a couple pages... BAM! Bob's your uncle, he knows what's up.

Now all that's left is for him to roast the book alongside a hearty steak dinner. Two birds, one stone.

    killme July 19, 2018 5:11 pm

    smart boi to roast the book then smash his mayn

    Akino_Yonaga July 19, 2018 8:07 pm

    It's the first time I want a book to be burned and gone.

Critic July 18, 2018 7:52 pm

i fucking died
i forgot how crack-ish this was i love it omfg

Critic July 16, 2018 6:37 pm

ooooh my *god* where in the everloving hell is she getting her self righteous attitude from? PLeASE, I need some of that stupid confidence.

Like I could punch someone three times in the stomach and then be offended that they puked on my shoes. I don't get it, where is her brain, how does it work, what even is she???

And then she has the nerve to hold a grudge while I'm still busy trying to figure out wtf she's so heated about in the first place. God, I don't even have time to be annoyed with junyoung's childishness when every time mari shows up I'm suddenly trying to manage anger-induced hearburn

Critic July 16, 2018 6:29 pm

what bothers me the most is jisuh leading sunyool on and confusing him. Especially since he should understand how shitty that feels.

And then he just tore sunyool up for no reason, at least he recognized that. But if someone likes you and you don't feel the same, why wouldn't you be direct before you had the chance to fuck them over so royally.

Sunyool really is my favorite character in this, he's the most realistic to me. Not overly angsty in the way no one but prepubescent kids are, not over apathetic . Just going through life and dealing with shit with a smile because wtf else can you do.

    Adeliade July 17, 2018 1:18 pm

    He literally told him that he didn’t like him before this happened and sunyool knew that

Critic July 16, 2018 6:14 pm

so many people have sympathy for hyesung and like, I get it, from a logical standpoint. He's been through shit, he's in shit right now.

But from the same standpoint, I can't give him sympathy. At all. He knew what he was doing, stupidity or ignorance isn't an excuse. If he wanted to terminate, fine, go for it. But using the kid for money and then somehow being overwhelmed when he's the one who made the decision to have it (and then not be involved with it, like he was planning) is scummy.

It's repulsive. I don't sympathize with him at all because it'd take no more than two seconds of thought to not do something so shitty. Even if he did want to use the kid for money and then leave, it'd take no more than a shred of human decency not to be a spoiled brat to dojin.

ugh, I can't even put into words how angry he makes me.

    Dabonyourhaters July 16, 2018 8:05 pm

    It's pretty clear that the reason he decided to keep the child was cause and I qoute, DoJin said it's his child too. Hyesung doesn't really have the heart to do it. Honestly from the raws (spoiler alert) I'm genuinely surprised he actually accepted getting pregnant. If it was me I'd be too terrified of literally repeating my mother footsteps. He's only 19/20, that a really really young age, I'm that age if I got pregnant now I'd freak and o form from a happy and healthy home where even tho it would create waves I would still find loving support. He has no one. Absolutely no one. You can say he has DoJin but it only after he got pregnant that DoJin acting in a way that obvious to hyesung that he cares. The boy needs a backup plan. A sense of even fake security and that money contract was just that. Let's face it, he can't know that DoJin won't change his mind and leave him with the baby. We know he wont but until a certain point hyesung just thought he was using him to get inspired. Like could you trust that? Could you trust your entire future on some guy who albiet is rich is keeping you only cause you think he sees you as a muse. Not only that but in the beg DoJin attitude (not his mental attitude, the stuff hyesung can see) is simply if he is in heat I'll sexually deal with him. He didn't listen to hyesung don't touch me request from the knotting episode. It's not like his lack of trust is unfounded. Do I agree with the contract and money no. But it's not like he's constantly going if you don't do that I'll abort the baby, DoJin is literally throwing things on a plate. Pregnancy is hard, it's hard when you have support and it's terrifying when you have no one. Hyesung can't fully know he has someone. He didn't even know he could be pregnant, how can he chill and trust? He's also dealing with a lot mentally, the aura of omega haunts him. In his mind the only thing saving him form his father is him being an alpha...what the biggest sign of being an omega ..being pregnant. If you knew you'd had to meet your tormentor in a physical condition where he could abuse you the most, well you'd prob struggle too. I know I would. Plus hormones and pregnancy, pregnancy get to you even when it's planned. And apperently omegas have shorter pregnancies, ie waking up one day from a belly to a faint contraption of a stomach the size of the moon.

    clouds July 16, 2018 8:15 pm
    It's pretty clear that the reason he decided to keep the child was cause and I qoute, DoJin said it's his child too. Hyesung doesn't really have the heart to do it. Honestly from the raws (spoiler alert) I'm ge... Dabonyourhaters

    A fair point

Critic July 15, 2018 4:42 pm

Like supremely hate it when someone *tells* someone else what they're feeling. Don't just assume what someone else feels and then take it as fact without even letting them speak

    Vampire Queen July 15, 2018 7:32 pm

    I disagree. I think it's healthier to verbally make your views on your relationship clear to both you and your partner or intended. And it's not like anyone was stopping Kazushi from saying anything to the contrary.

    Critic July 15, 2018 8:46 pm
    I disagree. I think it's healthier to verbally make your views on your relationship clear to both you and your partner or intended. And it's not like anyone was stopping Kazushi from saying anything to the cont... Vampire Queen

    No see, that's fine. Conversation, sitting down and talking things out, that's peachy. He didn't give him a chance to speak, just said what he wanted (all assumptions) and then took off. That's what I find annoying.

    It's not a conversation if you're the only person talking. He had time to think of what he wanted to say and do but ran out without giving Kazushi so much as a moment to process, which is something people need kind of need to do in most cases.

    Vampire Queen July 15, 2018 9:02 pm
    No see, that's fine. Conversation, sitting down and talking things out, that's peachy. He didn't give him a chance to speak, just said what he wanted (all assumptions) and then took off. That's what I find anno... Critic

    I kind of saw things differently. Like Oda saying his peace and is giving Kazushi time to think things over, and yes he is assuming but can you really blame him because, even if he was a bit over emotional, Kazushi has not given him much to go on and has left their relationship ambiguous for way too long. So think about how Oda feels when the guy he likes and had a one-time thing with says no but his actions tell a different story. So yes it's irritating when the person ranting on has no basis but in this situation, it's understandable why. Kazushi himself is a coward he says so himself so maybe it's good that he gets a taste of Oda's reality to get him the courage he needs to voice his views.

    TheStardust July 15, 2018 11:02 pm
    I kind of saw things differently. Like Oda saying his peace and is giving Kazushi time to think things over, and yes he is assuming but can you really blame him because, even if he was a bit over emotional, Kaz... Vampire Queen

    Agrees, feels like Kazushi isn’t part of this relationship at all but some barely-involved bystander. -_-

Critic July 14, 2018 9:39 pm

i love that the progression of kyuuta's blush is just the mangaka scribbling more vigorously across his face lmao

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