Before, I used to think love was mutual affection and honesty and communication but I have finally seen the light.
Who needs all that mushy stuff when you can have someone slam your face into the ground and rape you for free. FOR FREE, I TELL YOU.
What about that isn't love. Like, seriously, aside from all of it, what about that isn't the loviest, loveliest, love ever?

Typical-seme tells Victim!Uke "Please don't fight me can't you see I'm trying to rape you? This is for your sake."
Just like that, I stop caring to see more of the "story" or art. Yaoi, answer me this:
What is consent?

That's logic.

That's logic. Every living human should know this. Common sense in yaoi.

Yet another yaoi in which rape = love. For once I'd love to see ANY character treat rape with the gravitas it requires.
Or, even better, just not bother with the overwhelmingly large rape trope (it's actually so much of a thing it's a trope. That's scary.) in yaoi and go straight to consensual sex.
Seriously, do authors think it's impossible for to men to fall in love if one of them hasn't spent time raping, humiliating, and abusing the other character while playing it off as love?

what are u talking about if u look closley at the past u can see the ule already loved the seme , and he didnt RLY resist.

I agree with you here but I haven't really read any yaoi's that contain safe words. So it's hard to say with yaoi. And there are some yaoi's where the uke says no yet it gets ignored versus other yaoi (Idk why) like Junjou romantica and Sekaiichi Hatuskoi, I could name so many other 9.0+ rated yaoi manga. And then theres obvious bdsm like Ten Count. The uke kind of has to say no (if you read the story you should understand.) I agree with you on this particular example but for yaoi (and because yaoi ignores safe words), no doesn't 100% mean no.

This isn't related to what I said earlier but unfortunately it's really not just a yaoi thing. At least from what I've watched, (in mostly straight hentai) 50% or more contain rape. If you ask me, I don't care because I can perfectly distinguish fiction created for fantasies apart from reality and proper morales, but it just gets boring.
My Japanese male friend said that rape fantasies in Japan are a big thing. But that was only one friend of mine so I still want to be careful not to make any assumptions that Japan has a larger rape kink than other cultures.

I'm aware it's pretty wide spread around more adult manga. I also understand that it's completely fictional and while I can (and sometimes do, otherwise, what would I read) separate my underlying indignation from my raging fangirl, it still manages to disgust me that so many stories based on rape are marketed as love.
All that said, I don't expect much from calling it out aside from getting interesting perspectives like yours. I'd say I both do and don't care about the overwhelming amount of rape in the manga I read. It's a happy balance between morality and apathy, sometimes I go with one side, sometimes the other.
(Though, as a side note, from the perspective of a reader and writer, it is infuriating that no one ever seems to report to authorities. It'd make a good, realistic, slice-of-life read.)

A yaoi with amateur watersports? Lovely, I needed some kink in my day. There are so many good things to say about this one I can barely contain myself.
Except I completely can when remembering the 'first arc,' if you will, of this story. While I appreciate both Naoto and Taichi putting in the effort that is absolutely necessary to sustain any relationship in the later chapters; it seriously irks me that they never actually hammered out Taichi's jealousy.
There were several things that seemed extremely detrimental to a relationship before the said, "I love you," but all of those things faded or disappeared directly after. If they ever hammered out the intricacies of their problems, it wasn't in-manga which is ridiculous.
Now, I realize this is petty observation because, while I'll read anything, I hold the yaois with the potential to be my favorites to a ridiculous standard which means I almost always have something to complain about.
All that said, this is a great story with ample amounts of emotional value. It does hit hard because of how easy it is to relate with some of the characters. Their facial expressions at times are so painful I had to click away from the tab.
Can't wait for the next chapter.

"If you dislike it even a little bit, I'll stop"
I don't even remember the rest of this story, I just came back to see the update without rereading; however, this rare pokemon of a line sold me. I never once believed I'd have a chance to see a yaoi with such a consent-orientated seme in my lifetime, I might cry.
I only got through chapter 2 before I was far too annoyed to read anymore. This one's gonna be a doozy.
"If I permanently traumatize you, you'll remember me forever! God, isn't rape convenient when you're in love?"
Not enough attention to not rape you, kiddo, which might be the most important thing.
"Hey, so, like, you don't hate me or anything after I forced myself on you right? Because I only did it because I love you. That's what people who're in love do. They rape the people they love."
"Oh, nah man, I totally get that, I think you're great, so brave~!"
"Be careful around that guy, what if he rapes you? Rape is terrible; I would know, because I *just* did it to you. Small world."
"I don't want anything bad to happen to you. Except like, me forcing you doesn't count because I'm me and that's totally not bad in my case."
"You're dangerous!" Said the rapist
Though really mate, find the police and inform them about the unusually high number of scummy males you have in your life.
Non-con exhibitionism! It just doesn't get better than this, folks!
Pg.31 "Boy, I sure am sorry I raped you once, got angry at you for being attacked, and then attacked you again. It's just, the only way to make someone who's been assaulted feel safe is to RE-ASSAULT THEM. DOUBLE ASSAULT UNDOES THE MENTAL SCARRING! FACT."
Pg. 32 "I love you so much that I couldn't control my penis and it just, shloop, slipped inside you. Stay with me okay?"
Pg.33 *"I want to fall in rape to. Because that's what love is. A fucking disgusting crime. Yaoi 101."
The second couple is way better. The first one really annoyed me too!
Well you've just made my day.
I praise your effort for pointing out the already obvious yaoi tropes that make people cringe.
What can we do...we read through stories like that to find some gems among the mud. Btw, the second couple was cute. No rape, mutual feelings and lasting HEALTHY relationship. Don't read the third couple, the're bond was surely lasting but...well not to your taste.
I wouldn't call that rape, actually
It was forceful, yes, but the uke didn't resist at all. He did say 'stop, no,' but he said it in the "i"m embarassed" way, not the "I don't want it" way.
He also told the seme to do whatever he wanted. And they even held hands at the end of it, showing he liked the seme
And the uke was certainly not mentally scarred. I don't see why you'd think that
Uke being attracted to seme doesn't help make the nature of the crime justice. He was not considering the other party's feelings and decided to force violence on him regardless of uke's choice. Uke consenting him along the way just made his attempt easier. That doesn't mean it's right for anyone to forcefully coerce their romantic interest into sexual activity. If it happened to me in real life, I would cut his dick off so he can't think about getting it up anymore. A more normal, healthy and justice way is to run away and go to police station. It's just that I'm not that kind. ( ̄へ ̄)
Of course, I'm not saying being forceful is ok. But what I'm saying is that I wouldn't go as far as saying it was rape or mentally scarring, since the uke didn't show or say he didn't want it, you can't exactly call him a rapist.
The seme needed to slow the fuck down and get obvious consent, however. That part bothered me, since semes tend to immediately go for sex without actually confirming that the uke is up for it
If there is no mutual consent, that is rape. You say uke didn't entirely reject the idea. But he's been saying no since the beginning and if he had a choice and the seme was a decent human being, the whole mess wouldn't have happened inside a shop, late at night, right after a random dude assaulted the uke. All the yaoi semes just push the blame on victims and rape them. Did he comfort his uke after being preyed? No, he further traumatized him. That's the jealousy trope mangakas use because there are fans who read them. A remedy for being raped? Another rape. By your own partner. Because it's so much more healing being blamed for what they're being wronged and your partner doesn't understand your side. And the seme was not thinking about emotional or physical well-being of his partner at all. He was just trying to claim his pet. "See how I'm fucking him hard in front of you? This is my bitch. Don't touch him cause I own him" He didn't have a shred of decency to respect other person's rights and pride, where one wouldn't want to be fucked that way in front of an outsider who looks at him with predator eyes. The other dude even told seme that seeing that didn't discouraged him at all and even made him turned-on more. Anyway, this is not about being labelled 'rape' or not anymore. The whole situation is very wrong on so many levels that if this was outside yaoi world (forget about reality, even in shounen/shoujo manga world) the uke would have never consented to the sex and would have never got it up. The mangaka making uke aroused by that kind of situation will only happen in yaoi/yuri/hentai stereotypes. And this is not the seme's first time doing something like that. The uke just simply accepted it and got over it. Their relationship is unhealthy. Bottom line, it's wrong.
yaoi is fake and so is the story dont get your panties in a twist
I know. Just excuse my futile rants about injustice stereotypes in yaoi universe cause mangakas keep writing these things based on market demands by fans who don't get their panties in multiple twists. Of course everyone who read yaoi are 18+ 'supposedly' so nothing to worry at all. Everyone can distinguish what's rape is what is morally appropriate for people to do to one another.
If you're gonna write that much for a yaoi that's 2 chapters long, you know you're looking wayyy too deep into it.
I'll just sorta agree with you on the rape part, since it wasn't fully consensual, but I can't agree with the mentally scarring part. In no way was the uke mentally scarred. If the uke isn't against the relationship then I don't see why you need to be.
The mangaka made the uke to love the seme no matter what and that is not gonna change, so if you think it's an unhealthy relationship then fine, sure, you analyze it how you want, I don't completely disagree with that, but you're turning a short manga with an obvious happy end (they're both happy in the end, you can't deny that, whether it was rape or not) into some psychological, twisted story
are you trying to be fucking sarcastic? sugarysuga is right if you have the time to write a long ass newspaper about a 2 shot yaoi you probably have too much time on your hands and bored as fuck.can i repeat : THIS IS FAKE. YAOI IS FAKE. if people are sane, they would obviously not take yaoi as an example of how they should treat their partners in real life. and yaoi started out to be rape and psychological in the first place, it changed to be sickeningly sweet if it was still in the time where yaoi not all sugar and spice, and everything was rape this rape that you think you would go around ranting on every book that rape is wrong?? heres the deal, people know rape is wrong but this is really just a damn story to satisfy fantasy/ needs that the mangaka give to the fans, its not for people to think so deep about it, your just supposed to shut up and enjoy the story, if you dont like it move on.
@gay _penguins, @SugarySuga
Jesus christ, I wish I could delete comments. While I do agree with Junki, this went way too far. I don't necessarily give a shit about either of your opinions, you're more than welcome to disagree, but please stop clogging this topic with angry bullshit. Junki has their opinions just like you have yours. Chill the fuck out.
in case you havent noticed you started this shit so dont be coming over here giving me crap about it, " please stop clogging this topic with angry bullshit. Junki has their opinions just like you have yours" bitch please you started this topic becuase you were being butthurt as fuck over a stupid story and like you said i have my own opinions and i am free to express them where i want and when the fuck i want, my advice to you: STOP READING YAOI IF YOU HATE RAPE most yaois have them and if your gonna be butthurt as fuck over every single story you think is rape, dont read yaoi, better yet dont read or do anything becuase im sure your the type of person who would hate on something that you think offened you in anyway even though it had nothing to do you you, yeah GET OFF THE FUCKING INTERNET, you see shit like this everyday so go take your shelterd little ass back inside your house door locked, becuase your being butthurt as fuck, you dont know the other persons side of the story so dont assume its something when you dont know becuase your not in their position, you DONT really know if it was rape you DONT really know if the uke didnt really like it, you DONT know shit so stop assuming shit and think that your opinion is right and no one elses was, what im commenting on isisnt "angry bullshit" its giving you a taste of others opinions that you "dont give a shit about",its a reality check that you DONT know so stop assuming you, i swear if you do get butthurt or anyone for that matter get butthurt over this comment wow please go reevaluate your pathetic life
I'm not exactly angry, and I'm surprised you think I am, I thought I was somewhat calm. But I'm tired of replying anyways, so I'll just shut up now
XD if this comment isn't you getting but hurt and having nothing to do in you "pathetic life" aside from yell at people online, I don't know what it is. I'm gonna mosey on off and keep reading and commenting while you continue having your hernia over here. I can't imagine how you live with that anger problem, mate.
Toodles lol
My bad then, whoops. After reading penguin's increasing fury, everything just sounded like it was frothing at the mouth lol
Ikr, no one even has the time to read that
obvioulsy i was getting butthurt becuase you litterally degraded my opinion and acted like yours was better by calling mine bullshit and @sugarysuga fuck off bitch aint nobody was talking to you and aint nobody was asking you to read what was not directed towards you mind your business fuck off you white bitches
"fuck off white bitches"
So..that's not me then
Opps! My browser accidentally logged off and I was not aware of notifications. I was happily reading unTouchable on webtoon website and came back to this. Mr.Angry Penguins, I wonder why you would rain down profanities at someone else's thread and tell them to "don't be coming over here giving me crap about it". Critic is the thread owner so you're welcome to not be here anytime. And you just agreed Sugar in your second comment and said Sugar is right. Then you then say "fuck off bitch aint nobody was talking to you". You called Sugar "white bitch" when you are the one who preached "you dont know the other persons side of the story so dont assume its something when you dont know becuase your not in their position". You say you're not angry? Oh puh-leese! You can't even keep your conversation straight. And yes, I'm currently free at the moment. And I'm enjoying every moment of my vacation. What's so wrong about writing a newspaper about rape being wrong? My initial point is that, rape plays a big percentage in yaoi genre and it's sad because yaoi basically means boys love (gay community) and rape should be only a minor drama plot device instead of the whole trope where people think "I raped you because I love you". There should be more stories about rapists being prosecuted, semes comforting ukes after being raped, showing them understanding. A more 'logical' way of thinking in these stories.
Sugar and me were having a civil conversation about our disagreements. If you want your opinion to be respected, act like respectable speaker. At least I don't grab my opinions and throw them at your face.
When you put it like that (the part about yaoi having so much rape turning to love) I completely agree with you. I apologize if I annoyed you with my earlier comments~
Oh and also, idk if you were supporting me or not but thanks anyways lol
Hoo boy… So, for starters, even without looking at every detail, I love your "rape synopsis" Critic! I am also getting tired of the whole rape trope deal… It's not like it's that hard to create a story with mutual love without forcing yourself on someone. The first chapter was so close to having that potential too, even with the bondage! For example, Saiki could've embraced Kayama for a while (non-sexually!) without going into full-on rape mode to give Kayama a chance to come to terms with his feelings (he obviously did like him!). So sad…
Raphael and Taphel have the best responses to your post! ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
Everything through July 13 was pretty respectful too (up until gay_penguins stuck his nose in…). I think Junki was being sarcastic when saying "Of course everyone who read yaoi are 18+ 'supposedly' so nothing to worry at all. Everyone can distinguish what's rape is what is morally appropriate for people to do to one another;" but just in case (and because some people really don't know), it is not true that everyone knows what rape is. For example, even though I gave the "if he embraced him" scenario earlier, bondage without PREVIOUS consent is never okay; embarrassed uke or not (but, since this is fiction, that's why it would at least be a little bit reasonable).
Rape is also: having sex with someone who is either drugged or drunk; not stopping when they tell you to (whether you are "inside" or before that point); making ridiculous statements like "but it looks like you're enjoying it" or "it's your fault for being so cute;" any form of blackmail or threats; any kind of psychological manipulation (including, but not limited to: bullying, hypnosis, survivor's guilt, Stockholm Syndrome, commander/subordinate relationships, etc.) – just to name a few. Consensual sex is literally only when both parties openly consent to whatever they're doing beforehand - whether the "traditional" type or involving any form of BDSM. Neither party has to actually say "no" outright in order for it to be rape (oh, and it is also possible for the male or seme to be the rape or sexual assault victim as well!).
I didn't even bother to read the posts from "Mr.Angry Penguins" (love the nickname Junki!) when I saw how much cussing there was… Someone like that obviously has no respect for other people, and yet they're raging on that you "litterally degraded my opinion …" (that much I can see without expanding). For heaven's sake, everyone is entitled to their opinions and comments regardless of the fact that fiction is fictional; you don't have to be such a jerk about it.
Just so you know, Critic, Chapter 3 actually showed a healthy side to the relationship of the first couple; chapters 4 and 5 were a pretty sweet story (new couple; completely unrelated to the first one); and chapter 6 is a hardcore rape (mainly non-consensual BDSM) / and-yet-mutual-love story (with a third new couple).
WOW you went in depth! I read the whole thing but if I tried to respond even semi-normally I'd go off on about eight tangents. So, to be concise, thanks so much for this reply, it was fun to read. I probably won't read the other chapters but thank you for the heads up. If you weren't anon I would instantly follow you; this is the best comment ever! >_>
I agree. It's 2020 now, post Me too mouvment. About what is fiction world?... Well the artist his not without values, interests, etc. He his from a story period, a society, and it's tainted what he do.
We have pass laws to protects children from pedophilia material even if it's only fiction. We can't promoted nazism or Ku Klux Klan, even if it's only fiction. Because it's violece againts minorities populations.
And, in publicity, one best way to make your product or service know from someone his... be expose a lot of time. The memory works that way. To encode a new information, you must have been expose several times. It's scientifictfly proove. It's the same patern you use to promoted ideology and stereotypes.
Disney, for exemple... it's a very powerful industry (a lot of money and see everywhere in the world). But all they created (animes, movies, parks) his very conservative. They promoted the family with one daddy, one mummy with children. Whites peoples most of the time when the caracters are humans. And before Mulan... The girl was the pretty thing in dress who wait to be save by the boy. So went you grow up, you think the prince will comes for you. Because you also read it in fictions. You have encode the idea. In reality there are so many ways to live life, love and desire.
And for information, this is a exhaustive list of Yaoi who don't have rape or malipulation between the members of principal couple:
Kuroneko wa Shippo de Amaeru
Sorenari ni Shinken nandesu
Harapeko Usagi To Koisuru Ookami
Tsuki to Yabanjin
Merry Checker
Jouzetsuna Yubi
Shinshi to Norainu
Rakuda Tsukai To Ouji No Yoru
Kono Ore Ga Omae Nanka Suki Na Wakenai
Doushiyoumo Nai Keredo
Joou to Shitateya
Okusan no Mousouteki Nichijou
Chidori-san Ke Ni Kagitte
Tsumasaki ni Kiss
Brother Auto Spot
Saa Koi Ni Ochitamae
Pretty Scoop!
Yume wo Miru Hima mo Nai
Hachimitsu Darling
Tatsu No Otoshigo
Turning Point
Shizuku Hanabira Ringo no Kaor
Cafe Latte Rhapsody
Hana wa Saku ka
Wild Rock
After Morning Love
Ouchou Haru no Yoi no Romance
Wild Wind
Antique Bakery
Yume Musubi, Koi Musubi
Himegoto Asobi
Koicha No Osahou (tea For Two)
Koukyuu No Arika
Kouun No Rihatsushi
Love Stage!!
Hanakoi Tsurane
10 Dance
Renai No Kamisama Ni Ie
Corsair - Eigetsu
Surf Junkie
Aka To Kuro
XXX Allergy
Akai Ito No Shikkou Yuuyo
Pendulum: Kemonobito Omegaverse
My Little Vampire
Gods X Myself X Brides
Hoshi Dake Ga Shitteru
Yoidore Koi o Sezu
Koishite Daddy
Michiru Heya
Thrill or Sweet
Seven Days
Nekoka Kareshi No Ayashikata
Kurui Naku No Wa Boku No Ban
Elektel Delusion
Attack on Titan dj - Butadomos Collection
Hinadori wa Shiokaze ni Madoromu
Doushitemo Furetakunai
Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai
Ayashi no Hakoniwa ni Ukabu Tsuki
Kinai - Kemonohito Omegaverse
Rumspringa no Joukei
Neon Sign Amber
Tokyo Boy Meets Country
Ten Count
Sensei wa Butchozura Shite Yatte Kuru
Sayonara, Itoshi No My Friend
Mother's Spirit
Koi Ni Nare!
Ahahaha! This topic again. I love your comment about literature and fiction influencing people about how to act in real-life society. And yes, I was being sarcastic. There are a lot of 12-16-year-old kids who are online being exposed to what they are not supposed to. Their parents are usually not as good at technology as their kids.
And regarding non-consensual acts, as long as one party says no: the act must be stopped. If that party was being timid or embarrassed, he will also be the losing side by being a killjoy and a cockblock. But the other person (seme) just can't assume that they are being timid or embarrassed, he must respect the rejection no matter how he believes it to be fake.
Thanks! :)
I forgot to talk about that sentitive subjetc brough by Penguin: rape of timid person. What the fuck is this argumentation. So all the people who are timid with others have to watch themselve because they will be rape more than others just because of that. Wow! I think I will go buy myself a chastity belt in metal.
For no reasons you can push someone to have sex with you, force them to go as the rythm you impose on the other without discusson. Why it will be a better idea to do what the faster person decide or the less shy? Who decide it was the only way between persons to have sex? Not me. You can think of love someone if you don't respect him, it's sexual slavery.
Hey I am getting notifications about this topic again (wow it has been 4 years) and I'd just like to say that my view has changed since I last commented and I pretty much agree with you at this point.