He is an icon! He is THE moment! Legendary, Yoshiharu <3 I wish more omegas were strong-willed like him. He doesn't take any alphas' bullshit. Love him honestly
I really don't want them to continue their sexual relationships. I can't bring myself to be okay with it knowing Ray is a kid. He should be 13-15 I think and Jiskar is in his mid to late 30s for sure. That's just trifling.
He really went thru so many realizations today. Nice to see that change at least. I died when his dumbass got jealous over imaginary exes. I need him to suffer a bit more for all the shit he put Garam thru heheheh
I just started reading this and it might go down as one of my faves. Only on chapter 14 but I love it so far.