Does anyone know a yaoi manga( I think it's a multiple story one) where a high school student rides a bus and somehow meets a businessman that fells in love with him, but he only wants to be his pet and calls him( the high school boy) master...I remember he lost his stop and they were at a hotel at some point but I don't remember where I've read it!!!
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Some time ago i've read a yaoi manga where an artist met an injured man(i remember that he had a fractured leg, if i'm not mistaken) and helped him recover but also had an ulterior motive for doing so. The artist was gay(seme in particular) and the man was straight but i don't recall which manga was and i'm searching for it a while now.If someone knows, i'll be grateful for your help!If it helps i believe that it wasn't the main story, but maybe i'm wrong.Thanks in advance!
koakuma no sanctuary maybe? one of the stories there
Similar, but it's his hand that's fractured
Maybe this is the one you're looking for?
I reread the story again and i came up with some answers (at least that's what i concluded till this point in the story)
1st. Was Dan's life miserable before meeting JJ? my answer is yes.
2nd. Did JJ hide his true self from Dan (or anyone) till now? my answer is no.
3rd. Did JJ offer Dan a way out of his financial status (i know he did it for himself)? my answer is yes.
4th. Could Dan refuse the offer knowing JJ's attitude and remain like he was? my answer is yes. He wasn't forced in accepting.
5th. Was JJ abusive, both emotionally and physically(during sex)? my answer is yes. But he didn't rape him. Rape involves not accepting what's going to happen.
6th. Has JJ ever hit Dan? my answer is no. But Dan did, twice.
7th. Has Dan's life improved from the moment they met? My answer is yes. Maybe he is an emotional wreck because he developed feelings towards him, but that's not JJ's fault.
8th. Why do people hate JJ so much? I'm yet to discover the answer to this question...Maybe it's because he doesn't fit the best character title, but the hate is unreasonable, concerning there are other characters who done worse, to mention one of the most lovable one Asami Ryuichi, from the Finder, who actually did rape his partner.
I very much like the story and the characters, and i mean all the characters, bad and good, because all of them are part of the storyteling. When a story is good, it's not only because of how appropriate or not are the behaviour of its characters and how lovable they are or aren't, but from the emotions it creates in you, love, anger, anguish, sadness and yes, even hate, but not the kind of hate that directs towards the author's choices, i don't agree with that at all.
Sorry for the long comment, i know some people will hate on me for my opinion, but it's only my opinion and i will stand behind it. Peace
I'm sorry but in what world was their sex consensual. Dan had no choice. It was either whoring himself out to this man, or letting his grandmother die. That's not much of a choice - and it's not like this is some nuanced take; this transactional prostitution is pretty much explicit. Like I'm not debating the morality of reading this story - I wouldn't be here otherwise - but at least call him what he is lol. He is a rapist that used the fact that Dan couldn't refuse without fatal consequences to his advantage.
go off!
LITERALLY!! Could he have refused? Probably. But I seriously doubt JJK would have taken no for an answer for long. Also, just look at chapter 34. Technically Dan was complicate but I doubt he would have been if he'd known JJK's plan for heesung to walk in. JJK is a sociopath and there is no way to read his character otherwise. Him being emotionally stunted and not wanting to admit he actually like Dan is NOT an excuse to treat Dan the way he did.
you're kind of shameless lolololol but it's your opinion and you're entitled to it
Honestly, I don’t hate him. Hate feels too big of a word. I’d say I just don’t like him, and that I can relate to Dan’s feelings of unrequited love and sacrificing for his family.
We see Dan as the sheep and JJK as the wolf. The sadder the MC looks, the more frustrated we get with the people hurting them. If a story can mess with your emotions like that and still keep you hooked, that’s great storytelling.
I agree with you—characters can be good, bad, or even the worst at times. These days, people are so quick to judge, especially in stories with flawed parents or spouses. Sure, they’ve done awful things, but if their actions are gray, maybe give them room to grow—unless they’re beyond saving. (Ps. I'm not saying as well to forgive them but don't let it control u forever)
Nobody’s perfect in real life, so why expect perfect MCs? Without flaws, there’s no growth, and without growth, there’s no story.
Oh no i LOVE this story and I love how the author unapologetically makes JJK such an asshole because you're right people are not all sunshine and rainbows! I can't wait to see what happens this season and if JJK has his "come to jesus" moment about the way he treats those around him mostly Dan. But I cannot stand people saying "he's not that bad" because he IS and that's the POINT
The redemption arc will be juicy. I also look forward to it ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~
ANDD that means u look forward to their reunion and other things y'know.... lmaooo ///
Yeah yeah but i prefer if dan doesn't forgive him easily. Dan needs to learn to cherish himself too you know. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
YES YES YES THIS 100% i wanna see JJK work for his man's love
I respect your opinion, but no matter the consequences of the choice it remains his choice to make. I agree that he is an abusive person (i said that myself), but i don't agree with rape. He knew what was the deal and he agreed, so where is the rape?
In what aspect am i shameless??? Please do explain
I totally agree with you. Thanks for the comment!
Of course it's not an excuse to treat him the way he did, but i think all his actions, behaviour wised, resonate from a trauma. Now all we have to expect is the author to give us his story and why he is so cruel to those around him and even to himself, because he is cruel to himself also. I believe we had some glimpses here and there, in the last chapters particularly, when he dreams of someone who tells him he is not worthy enough...so we'll see.
As i was reading your comments today, i came to another realization and i think i'm wrong in saying that he didn't hide his true self from everyone around him. I think that this image he wants to portray is not actually his true personality, but was made after events that occured during his childhood and overall his past life, before becoming a champion. In chapter 44, where he is drunk and treats Dan as true lover would is an example. I believe people, when drunk, show their true personalities, that's why some are silly and make fun, others beat their families, others cry and feel sorry and so on...Again that's my opinion.
In the sense that that "choice" is no choice at all if there are consequences. Bought consent isn't consent. He wouldn't have had sex with him if his grandmother didn't need the treatment, ergo, his consent was forced by the consequences. Being aware of consequences doesn't make the act consensual, it just means that both parties are aware that this is an "either you'll let me fuck you, or your grandmother dies" situation. It was just a way of exploiting Dan's situation. He wanted to fuck Dan and he knew that Dan was in desperate need of money, and couldn't refuse without indirectly killing his loved one - that's as clear as I can put it lol ¯_(ツ)_/¯
Adding on to @CheapReader, Consent = an enthusiastic yes, always. Not an absence of a no, not a yes because of pressure, not a 'well ig.' This is true irl, and very important!
E.g., if JJK told Dan he'd kill his grandma if Dan doesn't have sex with him, and Dan says fine I'll have sex with you, that's not consent! Dan may agree, but the circumstances forming his agreement means it isn't consent.
Sorry for butting into the conversation. JJK is undeniably a jerk—mean, egotistical, and hot-blooded.
But let's go back and analyze it.
JJK first meeting with Dan was awkward; Dan accidentally touched JJK’s private area, but JJK, being prideful, interpreted it as dan seducing him instead of harassment. Later, JJK invited Dan to his apartment, offering him money. Dan, assuming it was for a regular massage, accepted because he desperately needed the money.
When Dan arrived, JJK revealed his true motive: he needed raw coitus before a big fight. Dan, being straight and previously harassed, initially refused. However, JJK, while frustrated, gave Dan the option to leave and return the money. Feeling cornered by his financial situation, Dan reluctantly agreed.
JJK misunderstood Dan’s hesitation as him being coy or playing hard to get. When Dan panicked mid-encounter, JJK got angry but still gave him a chance to leave. Things escalated when JJK pushed forward, ignoring how uncomfortable Dan was, believing Dan’s mixed signals were part of the act.
In conclusion, JJK’s actions exist in a moral gray area. It wasn’t outright rape because Dan agreed, but it also wasn’t entirely consensual due to Dan’s mental state and desperation.
JJK’s self-centered and sadistic tendencies only make his behavior worse in our pov, while Dan’s vulnerability makes the situation all the more unsettling.
The only saving grace is when JJK save Dan for almost getting rape and that he was kind to Dan's grandma. He still a piece of work. But—yeah. JJK had bad side but also has a weird good side to him. So let's give him a chance to grow as a decent human being. Beg for dan's forgiveness. And he might forgive you but being forceful is a no. no. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
Thanks again for the explanation! I was getting frustrated with how to explain my thoughts. You were on point.
Great points! You have an amazing memory, I personally do not remember the early events of the manhwa, but I think it's important that we all understand consent!