Miss girls back must be hurting. She don't need a life vest lmaooo
Where is this going? I'm so confused right now. I read the raws and I'm even more confused. Like what happened to the other "main" characters?
They cut ch. 15 in half oml. The other half really hits you in the feels, take that ML you bastard.
Leave his ass!!! I hope during this misunderstanding, he'll finally get pushed far enough to escape this toxic relationship and just spend time with his grandma.
So literally the father comes back and tries to rape the dad, but then the son comes back, ties up the father to watch him have sex with the dad..and it ends with him, the dad, and their kid at an amusement park.... wtf
Yalls be bots or something, there's only 1 chapter. Plus the description only lists 2 characters???