siana want to do ( All 1 )

listen to a song on repeat

siana's experience ( All 0 )

siana's answer ( All 17 )

about question
11 hours
Breath THE SCREAM IT OUT!!!   reply
11 hours
about question
I go it on pause for like a year now. I think it's either something pissed me off or cringed me. But I remember it not being that bad of overly toxic compared to some I'm currently reading or heard about. If I put it on a rating scale, I'll give it a 6 from what i remember.   reply
11 hours
about question
11 hours
No dead yet   reply
11 hours
about question
Check out my two list and you wouldn't be disappointed   1 reply
23 days
about question
How killing feels? Why people kill? How do they come about it? How do they plan and execute everything?   reply
23 days

siana's question ( All 0 )