I mean we would've figured by the cover but still denying cause first chapter literary made everyone be wanting to kill someone already so how could we accept the irony
The main point is how the gang hypocritely called out them self Hidung mampet
what lol? if ur talking abt in the manga 'let dai' then yeah....one of the guys said sorry. (ofc its still not good that he raped her but atleast he noticed his mistake lmao)
The main point is how the gang hypocritely called out them self Hidung mampet
Called out what? Homie did u even read manwha? What’s the point of a story when every character is perfect, there will be development, reasoning and compensation. Yes it’s a hefty topic but..... for example; u can’t get mad at a horror movie for having murder in it
Called out what? Homie did u even read manwha? What’s the point of a story when every character is perfect, there will be development, reasoning and compensation. Yes it’s a hefty topic but..... for example... Jjj
EXCUSE ME but who is he? They never mentioned anything abt him and suddenly he become important