THESE MEN ARE SO FINE AND FOR WHAT?! but this reminds me so much of 'who made me a princess'
hey to the uploaders thank you for uploading but please try looking for someone who can help with the translation and cleaning a lot of people are dropping this good story for that like no hate just giving out advice
I didn't fucking expect this to be hella good!!!! i can tell the red haired baby is the male lead likd i hope he is cause his energy is yes
IKR?! It'd be a change from all those blondies and dark blue-haired dudes. At least this times the ML has got light blue hair? Oh no nevermind two characters from other webtoons just popped into my head...
Dammit! I WANT THE RED-HAIRED KID TO THE ML! I really like mischiveous characters! Let's hope I'm wrong...
I would likr aeiji to rail me but ianna thoooo such a queen