Does anybody also experience the likes or dislikes in the comments/topic here like you can't see how many of them??? I can't see them(number of likes&dislikes) in any of the comments here.
I usually read this site on my iPad but now you can't access it with your account. Neither the comments nor the likes....nothing. That's why if i need to mark as "reading" etc. a manga, i still have to go to my LAPTOP to sign in. I could already see the comments, topics etc. EXCEPT the number of likes&dislikes of comments. I even tried it on my phone but still the same.
Have anyone of you experiencing this or just me ???? Because if you do experience this, then at least i know there's no problem on what i'm using.
Yeah it kinda frustrates me how i cant see them but other people can
I think they can't see it as well since some already answered that they cannot either EXCEPT if you have an account here and you can go to your own topics on your homepage or smth to check it.
Although I sometimes want to like or dislike a comment and when I click it, you could already see the amount of it on that particular comment. However, you could only do that if you have an account though.
Sorry. I meant the "Testing" if its working properly when i post question. Its just weird. This post is posted but my following question after this was not posted. I've been trying to post it 3 times already and making sure I click "Post" and its wasn't there. Anyway, my question that wasn't posted here because i guess a glitch was: Can somebody please suggest any list of website regarding webtoons besides Toonkor??? Its not working properly. Just want to see latest raw chapters of manga: Home Sweet Home. Also, do you have this experience also of this glitch???
For the glitch, it happens sometimes to me as well. Try to repost it but refresh the page first. For me at least, it works when I do this. It's like when you get momentarily disconnected for a second, just click the "go back to previous page" button and you're connected again.
As for an alternative to toonkor, there's funbe but I'm not sure if they have the same amount of raws as toonkor. It's practically the same Web site, same interface but without the porn ads.
I hope there is an extra chapter where they have sex.