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ellescar July 22, 2021 7:38 pm

im sorry but this literally was so disgusting.... the author has tried for noncon twice now and its gross theres nothing appealing about it and it makes my stomach turn no matter how much you lewd it

ellescar January 30, 2021 4:57 am

someone please convince me to drpo this omfg. like seriously, i dont think theres anything seungho could do to redeem himself anymore. he's made nakyum so miserable and tbh nakyum sticking around because seungho is the only one who loves him reminds me of abuse victims fr fr. i also don't think seungho is getting better even though he went to fight jihwa. would he even have apologized? mr. kim begging him not to go in there and hurt nakyum more makes me think that he really was about to make things worse with nakyum. honestly, in my opinion it would be incredibly hard to redeem seungho now, and the author seems like she's going to let nakyum get hurt again with min's plot. no hate to people who want them to be together--i held out hope too!-- but to see nakyum get hurt over and over because he has a big heart is getting too painful.

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