Is it just me who loves how much stereotypes this manhwa defies? The height difference between Namwoo and Si-eon is everything when you know who plays the current roles as seme and uke. It made the scene where Si-eon was helping Namwoo into his clothes so much more cuter to me, idk why. On top of that, I love the personalities too, Si-eon is so respectful and gentle with Namwoo, who in contrast is just so innocent and precious. It's so refreshing. And I like how they just added the protective older sister trope too as a cherry on top. (If you can't tell by now, this is my new favorite manhwa :D)

Not to ruin the fun mood, but I have a theory. This could just be wishful thinking but maybe those scenes with Kuzuya and Reo could be building up to something. All those times Kasuya dismissed his trauma could be building up to this big fight between them, or maybe Kasuya will finally see the severity of the trauma Kuzuya is going through. Then again, this is a Harada story, so I won't get my hopes up high.

As pushy as Shii is, I gotta say this was pretty realistic. There's tons of other yaoi/yuri/bl/gl that have sweet, cuddly, couples that love each other mutually, but sometimes that just isn't the case. Relationships are complicated. Sometimes one comes on stronger to the other, DEFINITELY Shii in this case. Still, you can see he's trying to help Tamaki with his trauma in his own twisted sort of way. Shii obviously struggles with boundaries, and in a way, that sort of makes him more humane because everyone has their flaws and imperfections. He also is a pinning teenager, and people do a lot of reckless things when they like someone at that age.
I'm not defending how intrusive he was being, but I can sort of get behind this chapter.

Bruh he manipulated his straight friend into dating him under the premise of “you just have to be my bf for a year, come on it’s nbd I’m your BEST friend, are you really going to keep saying no and hurting my even though I love you???” Which is gross and gaslighty and is now pressuring him into sexual activity despite knowing his friend has sexual trauma...at the end of the day they are only in this situation because he took advantage of his friend who tried to say no multiple times to this whole scenario and was very clearly uncomfortable and did not want this scenario from the beginning....he keeps pushing and is quite literally taking advantage of him. Nobody would give this comic the time of day if that dark haired dude was a girl, everyone would see it for how twisted it is...but fujoshi don’t care as long as two dudes make out or have sex

I never said all yaoi fans were. Would I literally be in this thread reading yaoi if I thought it inherently made you a bad person or a fujoshi??? Some people may adopt fujoshi as a label but it literally means rotten woman and is used to refer to really hardcore Japanese yaoi fans that don’t have a good reputation because of how they harass people and basically want nothing but to see men have sex at any cost. People in the anime community in Japan and abroad may adopt the word affectionately amongst themselves but just like the term otaku these are not nice words and refer to really extreme fans with bad habits. If you don’t consider yourself one of these types of people then you shouldn’t take offense.
The more I reread this story the more I wish it was just based around their younger selves. Don't get me wrong, the plot was thoroughly interesting, but they were just so precious back then.