you know why this story feels so fresh and heartwarming ?
because lily is an ACTUAL child, not some grown ass adult stuck inside a child's body
she has real innocence and realistic childlike behaviours
and that makes her bonds and interactions with other way more genuine less one sided
for me it always felt so dishonest when the protagonist have to pretend and lie to others who genuinly trust and love them it feels weird and a bit creepy

insanity_me created a topic of The Titan's bride

caius really takes after his dad in the best ways
both his carisma and his gentle soul (▰˘◡˘▰)

this was quite a clever way to demonstrate parentification and anxious attachment born from neglect and it really gave a good look into just how complex lily's trauma actually is
I do wanna say I don't hate the mother though I understand why other people would
but she's living a new life where she lives solely for lilyca's wellbeing and trying each and everyday to become better even if she makes mistakes along the way as we saw in later chapters where she didn't want lauv to be near lilyca despite her wishes
she's layered and so is lilyca which I do enjoy

insanity_me created a topic of Inukei no Kareshi


I'm a little sad they took it out but in the novel, fjord didn't go to the garden specifically to warn lilica about the fire, there was no urgency in their encounter
they just happened to meet and leisurely guided her out while having a tender yet casual conversation I really liked it :(

this is without a doubt one of, if not THE MOST, realistic (in the best possible way) manga I've ever come accross.
it doesn't even feel like a manga if that makes sense (?) , maybe because I've grown so used to the status quo of sexism in the japanese culture that is often displayed in almost all japanese media I have ever consumed wether it be manga/news/movies/tv shows
this is the first time I've scene them touch up on sexuality in such a way or carefully explain the layers of it in such a logical and gentle manner and if that wasn't already so beyond amazing they even bring on topics like healthy food relationships and the concept breaking free from your toxic family and asserting personal boundaries.
I kid you not I never thought I would ever see the day where I would read the word ASEXUAL in manga. I am beyond myself with happiness, respect and gratefulness to the author
the amount of money im about to spend trying to get my hands on some physical copies is disgusting ┗( T﹏T )┛

insanity_me answered question about question
Neurotipicals giving advice or solutions that only really work if you're ALSO neurotipical and have no empathy nor will to understand how much being neurodivergent dictates how much differently you experience the world from the rest. ALSO people calling any valid statement or explanation "excuses" it's not an excuse, I'm just explainig why this ha......
insanity_me answered question about question
I have at least 3 but this one stayed a lot with me, Ironically though I cannot remember her name lol fuck that bitch but basically I have something called tackylalia (extremely rapid speech) common in people with ASD and ADHD that I used to get bullied for and just to make sure you understand this fully, IT'S PRETTY SIGNIFICANT and It doesn't j......
insanity_me answered question about music recommendations
"Alice" by PEGGY (peggy owens ) she's not that known yet Sarah Kang (literally any of her albums)

if you're saying ALL land dwellers are bad people solely because silvia was mistreated doesn't that say the same about your own kind since those 3 guys only betrayed but also tried to kill keil or even the people who constantly harrased and mistreated keil for being born out wedlock?
bro changed his opinion on world domination faster than lightning, bro you SUCK as a king and like.... as a person in general
he's seriously so unlikeable and punchable

insanity_me answered question about question
that "you're not broken and aren't the problem" I just Had severe undiagnosed ADHD and the education system is insanely flawed and by no means an accurate depiction of what an actual person's capabilities are or that you simply hadn't found people with things in common with yet