insanity_me's feed

insanity_me created a topic of Cat and Bed

"haru has too much sex"
bro he's a sex worker??? it's been established since the first chapter??? ya'll are acting like he cheated when they weren't even together and it's his LITERAL JOB
"he has better chemistry with his other clients"
not really? his vibe just changed slightly to fit each costumer's personalities yet still keeping his "gentle and loving" demeanoure
lot's of people will vibe differently depending on the person they're with
"they feel bland together"
It's a short form story so obviously there won't be much time to flesh out their whole relationship but to me rather than feeling bland perse it was more like both haru and hiroki felt relaxed and comfortable around each other and even haru expresses later on that he felt genuine joy when he could make hiro happy and comfortable
though I fully understand why you would find it bland
me personally I loved it