insanity_me's feed

insanity_me created a topic of Entwined

this is one of those times I have NO interest in the second couple (could care less if they have a story of their own) the brother is literal trash and even takashi I don't like very much
tomoe was put through so much emotional abuse and neglect since so young but hey it's all Good and dandy cause they're sooooo in love, nah fam FUCK his brother
I give takashi a sort of a pass cause he raised tomoe but he wasn't all that better since tomoe grew up thinking he was only valuable if he was good and obidient
you could even tell he was well aware tomoe blamed himself for what happened and used it to subtly manipulate him and if that wasn't enough he seemed unnaffected by the way tomoe's brother treated him, bro if the person I was romantically involved with was abusive towards someone I considered MY CHILD, my feelings would NOT stay the same